looking for suggestions on products


New member
Sep 24, 2006
hey all....im looking for some modification suggestions. keep in mind i have a limited budget, i just want the basics, stuff that works, i dont need anything overly fancy.

gauges---im looking for egt's and tranny temps mainly.

programer....nothing crazy. something that lets me keep the reliability of my tranny but gets me a little better mpg and power
I know I will get yelled at for this, but here goes....

For a decent little boost in power, with gauges and some failsafes built in, IMHO it is very hard to beat the Edge Juice w/Attitude. Good performance and it helps you to keep things alive by minding the temps for you.

Now, when that's not enough power for you, there are a whole bunch of things that can go with it :.evil
Talk to any of our site vendors folks, they can get you hooked up :D
Billy, she just totally beat your AV to bits.

Missy, never change that AV, and post more! :snoop:

For around the same $ as an edge J/A, you can get a TS Performance MPD/MP8 combo. I installed one on my Dads truck for xmas. He loves the extra power / mileage. He's kinda "techy" so the MPD heads up display on the windshield really floats his boat.

Unless you tow heavy... skip the tranny gage, IMO. You'll use boost more.
Amish Elegance said:
Billy, she just totally beat your AV to bits.

Missy, never change that AV, and post more! :snoop:

For around the same $ as an edge J/A, you can get a TS Performance MPD/MP8 combo. I installed one on my Dads truck for xmas. He loves the extra power / mileage. He's kinda "techy" so the MPD heads up display on the windshield really floats his boat.

Unless you tow heavy... skip the tranny gage, IMO. You'll use boost more.

I agree 100% AE, she has my puter generated Dodge girl beat so many ways it ain't funny :D

I teetotally forgot about Dennis's latest playtoys, thanks for the reminder :thankyou2:
WideOpen has one in his truck........ looks dam wicked! :rockwoot:

Less distraction, alarms ect, makes me wish I could return a few lesser Items for one. :soap:
for the guages i would go with a set of isspro or pricol, they match the best and work well, as for reliable power with a kick in mpg, i would go with the mp8 from TS or the 3.1 from vanaaken both are really good products. remember you dont want to over do it if you dont have money for a turbo or even a tranny!
i dont wanna get into new turbos and trannies. just want something with some kick that leaves me with a just as reliable vehicle...no matter how i drive it
for the guages i would go with a set of isspro or pricol, they match the best and work well, as for reliable power with a kick in mpg, i would go with the mp8 from TS or the 3.1 from vanaaken both are really good products. remember you dont want to over do it if you dont have money for a turbo or even a tranny!

i really like hte van aaken but is this gonna be slipping my tranny? i know im sounding like a *****....but for now i need dependability. it will be a work truck also pulling heavy trailers. and to re iterate it, its a 2006 2500 CTD 4x4 automatic tranny.
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byrdawg said:
i really like hte van aaken but is this gonna be slipping my tranny? i know im sounding like a *****....but for now i need dependability. it will be a work truck also pulling heavy trailers. and to re iterate it, its a 2006 2500 CTD 4x4 automatic tranny.
nope it will work perfect, (Direct solicitation removed)
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