Lots for sale and bringing it to TS for pickup!!!

We also got the dryer for 12.00 and the orfice tube for 1.00
You sold me Dan! I forgot yall did AC clutches too, or I'd have called before. I like you better than the tool that runs our O'Rilley's!
That's good lol, besides I got better product and better deals than orielly's. We will hook you up.
Damn I really wanted that pump. I got home from work and the money was here.
Sorry about that. It was cheap and that is probably why it was bought so fast.
Sorry about that. It was cheap and that is probably why it was bought so fast.

It was a smoking deal I am surprised if it lasted past a day. I will just keep checking the ad's every hour or so like usual LOL
Call Heath he will hook you up. He does the sales stuff.