Louisburg, KS Pull Sept 4th, 2009

That is what I used also. Except mine is 3/4"

$39+ shipping and tax!
HA HA Yea that is true. I might just have to give you a whoopin on the track tonight. Yea right! Ill be supprised if it dont break tonight, I am on borrowed time now. And I changed a bunch of stuff so Im sure it will run worse like it always does.

I have heard that you have been getting some good runs in. I am too the point that if my truck blows up, I wouldn't be surprised. Been through lots of abuse in the last 4 years.
Thanks for the links. Where do you dump the fuel to? Another line back to the tank or did you tie into the return line?

I don't know if my factory return line will hold 50psi from the FASS?
If someone is using a FASS, can you just use a regular ball valve and shut it? The FASS has a bypass correct?
If someone is using a FASS, can you just use a regular ball valve and shut it? The FASS has a bypass correct?

I am not using the return that came with the FASS, so I just ran my return into that. You could tee it into the FASS return if you wanted. Technically I think the ball valve on a truck with a FASS would be adequate, as he said though if you have an air shutoff, then you are good to go. I would go ahead and by the 3way, you can always plug the port until your ready to use it.
just need to add one for next year.

can't make it tonight, I'll be working after it starts and it's a ways away...
Well it should've started by now. I havent been in a while, it always come around my B-day. Last time a dude in a wheel standing old econoline rolled at the end of the track right after I looked at my wife and said "It looks to top-heavy for a wheel stander":doh: