Low frequency, oscillating humming... what is this?

Hub bearing like fan hub bearing? And as far as I can tell air dogs good to go. The one time I had a tiny little air leak it just shut me down vs making a any noise...

And def not a noise a spare tire could ever make. I keep my spare in the bed anyways, too big to fit underneath ;)

By oscillating I mean repetitious. It's a noise that happens about every second. Very very deep muffled sound, almost like it's a noise that could be created by a vibration. It happens much more noticeably when it's hot out.
Hub bearing as in wheel bearing......these trucks have unit hub bearings.....aka hub bearing.
Hub bearing as in wheel bearing......these trucks have unit hub bearings.....aka hub bearing.

From the original post I got the impression that it was making the noise while the truck was sitting still and was drown out when she started moving.
Yes sir. Still. The trucks too loud to hear chit when its moving and I figured fan because someone had mentioned it before. I replaced the wheel bearings with the brakes, ball joints and other crap not long ago. They're gravy baby.

The sounds more constant now. Less oscillating. I've checked all the suggestions. I think I might let it ride till something falls off or blows up, should be easier to diagnose then... haha kidding.
Nevermind, I re-read the first post. Drive it 'til it's loud enough to find it.