Lower EGT's for hills/towing


It's just a 6 cylinder
Aug 7, 2008
My truck is no longer my DD so my use for it has changed, slightly. I still want to keep similar power levels but I'd like to keep the egt's down when towing up a hill or even while on continuous WOT, right now I can peg the 1600* pyro before the end of the 1/4

I've thought of a few options:

I still have my HX35, so maybe throw a S4XX under it but I'm not sure how my power would change.

I could maybe throw a larger turbo under my super b special? But that's a large top charger to start with.

Use water/meth when I need to?

Or other options, trying to see what's out there, I did a search and all the threads I found kind of ended before the answer I was looking for.

Mods are in my sig, they haven't changed in a long time. I'm getting an airdog soon also.
Twins with the hx35 makes a great tow rig and still make good power. You may even get away with smaller injectors and make the same power and meet all your goals.
how big is the super b special?? i dont know the specs off hand.
Your 64/71 over a 75/83/1.1 S400 will help. I ran that setup for a while and it was one of the best I've tried.
I've thought about getting a cam, not sure what all is involved and where to go. I will probably never tow anything much over 6k lbs but with my current setup egt's like to go around 1200* without much effort.

I guess I need to do some research on cams, and bottom turbos for the two options I currently have.

Yes the super b special is a 64/71/14, some say it's a 64.5. I'm currently running about 50lbs of boost at full tilt.
I also have some DD III injectors, so if the HX35 in a twin setup can provide decent power I may go that route.
I had the super bee special(64-71-14) over an s475 setup on my truck when it was a vp and it spooled great. I had a cam as well to help out and It really did help out when I put it in. I never hit 1300 on the egt gauge when racing and I ran 12.1 ... Im thinking of selling both the cam and s475 if maybe you are interested. Just pm me if you are!!!
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How is your spool now when towing the 6K lbs? Putting another turbo under the special will slow the specials spool slightly.

6K lbs is fairly light, but in general about 400-450 rwhp is the peak of continuous power for oil/cooling system. So that's something to keep in mind when your setting it up for towing.

The HX/S4xx would be a great towing set of twins. It would put more air into the motor at mid throttle/rpms, and keep your peak airflow similar (if not a little more).
Spool wasn't bad pulling that weight, I have a fairly loose converter so it helps. I keep the edge at 1/1 when towing or driving around so I woudn't be at that high of a hp range. I'm mainly just looking for similar power to what I have now, maybe a bit more, but be able to keep the egt's down lower than they typically go.
Thanks for all of the replies, i am going to do some more research, but for now I'm learning toward finding some premade twin piping (I don't have a welder) and finding an S480 to put under my current turbo. Most of the posts I've found say to go with a 62/s475 64/s480 66/s480+ so I'm most likely going to go this route even though my spool will be a little slower, but I wil have more air available.

Going to fix all of the little things wrong with the truck first, heater core went out, dash needs replacing, powersteering hose has a small leak and need to finally get an airdog. The joys of owning a 13 year old truck :lolly:
I still have my HX35, so maybe throw a S4XX under it but I'm not sure how my power would change.

This would be my towing choice but I like real fast spool.

Port the wastegate on the HX35 and your good to go.
That's going to spool even slower than you do now, I am not sure it's going to be good for towing on a regular basis.
I'd say you are learning incorrectly.

You'd be correct. Typing half asleep does me no good.

I won't be towing on a regular basis, this is more for down the road, buying a boat in the next few years and figured i would tackle this first.

What kind of power can an hx35/s475? make if I didn't change anything else. I'd prefer the truck to not get any slower.
We have a truck that has an s357 over a s475 and it runs 12s. It tows amazing and keeps cool and gets 18 MPG.
That does sound like a good combination. I think I might have overstated the 6000lbs, what I'd be towing would be a 21'ish ski boat but I guess it's good to overestimate weight. I think I will try the ported HX35 over a S475 and if I want more I'll try a S357 or S362 over the S475.

But it will still be a few years until then, so I have time to try different combinations and read up more.
I could overheat my 95 up a 7% grade towing, before I even had to worry about the pyro. 57mm/71mm compounds. Made a constant 400rwhp on the dyno (about 3/4 throttle) sustained over a few minutes without ever getting above 1,200. Compounds rule for towing!