M-D TDC Srping Fling 2008..."Age wrinkles the body,Quitting wrinkles the soul!."

Here are the winners of the NHRDA Sponsered catagories :)

Highest Overall HP:
Lloyd Mills (lmills)- 05 Dodge.........1170.56/1200+
Jim Peters (rams-n-hogs)- 04 Dodge.......1040.12/1200+

Highest Dodge Fuel only:
Wayne Widbore (F=MxA)- 06 Dodge.......700.84/1200+
Robert Powell (robertp)- 05 Dodge.......691.91/1152.83

Highest Ford Fuel only:
Jason Kubius (Thuglike)- Y2K Ford..........633.11/1027.90
Peter Jedrys (?)- 01 Ford.........431.29/838.11

Highest Chevy/GMC Fuel only:
Jack Priebe (?)- 04 Duramax....469.96/869.30
Ted McKnight (Big Angry)- 04 Duramax...Honerable Mention

Winners receive a 2008 NHRDA Membership Pack and 2nd place receives a 2008 NHRDA T-shirt.

A Big Thanks to the Crew of the NHRDA for their support of our club!!!!
:rockwoot: A BIG CONGRATS to all the winners ! And a Big congrats goes to the club as a whole for pulling off another event.:rockwoot:
Lloyd Mills and Dave Goodwin deserve a big thank you for the work on the trucks they performed all weekend long.BOTH guys spent most all weekend tuning and helping others so they could make some last minute tuning to their respective rides for dyno rolls.At one point both were seen with only their legs showing from under hoods and those trucks they worked on made gains to make their owners smile.


I was smile AND frowned all at once! Frowning because i beat my guess on the card by over 60hp.. Smiling thanks to Dave breathing on the 'ole first gen. The before & after dyno gained 75hp and almost 150 ft.lbs.. and the full power screw was already up a good bit from the git-go (before dyno). I don't know how to tune a VE pump, but i know who to ask!!:rockwoot:
Here is Pappy hard at work doing his good deeds for the weekend.

First one is the dually and the second one was Timebomb.

Thanks to RD and the NHDRA for the awards and shirts.......Andy


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Lloyd Mills and Dave Goodwin deserve a big thank you for the work on the trucks they performed all weekend long.

I for one would like to send out a big thank you to Lloyd for the work done on my truck two years in a row now. Since I live so far away Lloyd has been willing to give up his weekend time to turn wrenches on my truck during an event.

Thanks Buddy!

Yes to say I was bummed out would be an understatement. New clutch hyd's are on their way and should be out of Lloyds back yard in no time. Ill have to make my way back up to SGS, a super top secrete dyno session is in order.

A big thanks again go's out to Jim, thanks for bringing big green home safe and sound. Im not even gonna get into our conversation about his Ice cold EGT's wile towing me up the hills....:Throwup:

After seing the turnout of 1st gen Dodges it makes me want mine back. Ill try to through something together for fall brawl....:D
You know I also forgot to mention and thank Zimmies Automotive.Delton was with us on Saturday and will be back for Fall Brawl.He spent the day helping others and answering a ton of questions and enjoyed himself as always.Its nice to see they continue to support our club and come out to spend the day with us.

I am still trying to figure out how to draw the Duramax crowd in.Ted says they get their rears all puckered up if they have to go to a show with Dodges and they miss the entire point of the show,enjoying what bring us together,our trucks.Someday maybe they will get the idea,get over their fear and join us for a weekend of fun.

I think the quote of the weekend was Thuggy's reason for not spraying his truck..."My nitrous bottle was too rusty and they wouldn't fill it!"....Hmmm,sounds like he had been hanging around Dockboy and after he said that I think 4 full bottles were offered to him,LOL.........Andy

P.S.-I garee with the 1st gen crowd Coop,man it was nice to see all of them and know someone had one of those 14mm pumps for us to see.
Here was the T-Shirt winner of the weekend.
I wonder whose stones he was busting with it????????........Andy


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Angelo wonders where all his power went to,one look here tells all......Andy


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I was wearing my Mid Atlantic Diesel shirt on sunday, I hear they are only given to special customers. My mom always told me I was special as she helped me onto the little bus every morning. :shake:

I know there are a few duramaxes out there, Cobra (Tyler) where were you and the rest of the gang?

Here was the T-Shirt winner of the weekend.
I wonder whose stones he was busting with it????????........Andy
What Kretzer does not realize is the price of his flexplate just went up. lol
well, since everyone else is posting pics, I will post the only one I got this weekend. Unfortunately, my batteries died right after taking it. LMAO


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I knew you would appreciate that. LOL Wait till wonderboy sees it. :hehe: :hehe: