Major (possibly) electrical issues

This problem almost sounds like bad secondary grounds such as the ones off the batteries down to the bumper extension supports. . For giggles check the secondary grounds including the static ground to the PCM.

Mike I bet you didn't connect any wires when you did the sport bumper conversion haha
Mike I bet you didn't connect any wires when you did the sport bumper conversion haha

Thats the thing, there were never any wires connected at the bumper. But even than that was over a year ago, why now? And the one that went up to the passenger battery has been unhooked for 2 years now.

Now that I think about, there's been a wire just hanging next to the front drivers frame rail thats been sitting there since I've owned the truck (since 09), just figured it was an un used wire like all the extra harnesses all over the truck.
Found another Mike having similar issues, but his story is worse.

And this guy was almost identical, and it was the switch.

So now I'm leaning towards the switch. I just can't get around how everything works for 1 second and then shuts off until the ignition is switched off and on again.

I'll have my bosses truck out of here today so I can get mine in the driveway and start dicking around with it. Anyone feel like coming to OK and doing this for me? Beers on me LOL
****! I just realized, my pillar gauges aren't working either, and those are tapped off a wire in the column, coming from the ignition switch
maybe the t tap ate through the wire it was tapped into? instead of a tap, now you have a cut wire?
maybe the t tap ate through the wire it was tapped into? instead of a tap, now you have a cut wire?

I would think that, but it happened at the same time ALL the other stuff died. I'm replacing the switch tomorrow, then I'll go from there.
I've been having trouble sleeping the last few days, so pretty much my whole day is wasted after my medical appointments and work stuff. I have a new ignition switch, just gotta throw it in. If that doesn't fix it, a certain fella has offered to work a deal with me for a pcm to swap out. If that doesn't fix it, then I'm checking all grounds again, then taking it somewhere. I'm not good enough with car electrical chit.
If that doesn't fix it, then I'm checking all grounds again, then taking it somewhere.

If you take it to my house, I'm not chasing all your dayum grounds....just for the record. We'd have better luck finding the Holy Grail and it is a more believable story too. :hehe:
If you take it to my house, I'm not chasing all your dayum grounds....just for the record. We'd have better luck finding the Holy Grail and it is a more believable story too. :hehe:

It would take me 3-4 hours to get to your house with no OD/LU.
So I'm very happy and pissed. I got mad after the new switch didn't work, so I went to the fuse box under the hood and started tugging (lightly) on every wire I could find, and wiggling fuses back and forth. Nothing. Then I wiggled the whole box back and forth, WAHLAH! After some more digging, turns out any movement of any relay or fuse in the box, to include wiggling the actual fuse box, knocks loose 2 fuses, and kill everything. Also, I can't put the lid back on, because it must tweak the box enough where the fuses lose contact and kill everything. Not sure how this happened within 7 hours of sitting in the driveway. And I'm not sure if this means I should replace the whole box, or tear it apart or what. I'm no electrician by any means, and messing with the electrical heart of the truck sounds like a big job.

So. Where should I go from here?

(stand by for pics from my phone)


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Turns out those 2 fuses were actually just very loose. So 10 fricken dollars and 2 fuses later, it's good as new. Only problem is, there's about a gillion more of them in there that are almost as loose.

So hopefully this thread, besides showing my terrible luck and lack of electrical skill, will help someone else in the future.