May6/7 Diesel Country Nationals

Good! Go away! Your posts and actions have been poison for years, and help no one!!!

Are you SURE you want to start airing your dirty laundry about Airdog? Is that in your best interests?

Do you think that threat bothers me?

Are you even ALLOWED to be posting on here?
Maybe one of your customers who is sponsoring this show should call and find out?
ummm...... My wife and I race (she drives and I turn the wrench) and we go out to the track for the fun and love of the diesel sport and to see nice trucks and meet new people who also have an interest in diesel without a care if we win or lose, Are we going about this with the wrong attitude?????

lol back to normal posting - The Holiday Inn is serving full breakfast buffet for NADM patrons who book a room, yes, they have a full service bar in the Hotel!

The musical guests and sponsors will be staying there!
Gene I can post in here as much as I want. I try to stay away from these type of things now and help our sport itself out(which includes nadm as an organization) and this is how you respond. Like I said before. Your organization, your rules. That's no problem I was asking a simple question is all to pass on to some pullers from out of state that did ask me to find out payouts. You showed your colors and answered it. I'm fine with the answer because I now know you need no support and don't need people recommending your events so I won't bother. Have a good day.
FYI I like your tags u posted at the bottom. Just know I'm not the one that posted the tags about you.
Gene I can post in here as much as I want. Like I said before. Your organization, your rules. That's no problem.

My rules, dont post in our forum, come to our events or ever mention NADM to anyone again!:thankyou2:

I don't post tags, 10:1 those are from your buddys.
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My rules, dont post in our forum, come to our events or ever mention NADM to anyone again!:thankyou2:

I don't post tags, 10:1 those are from your buddys.

:blahblah1:Your rules for your organization. Which would stand on your website. Last I checked you have no control over here.
Well first off I don't appreciate someone saying good luck you're going to need it about the event, Anthony, how do you think airdogs sales dept. would like it if they knew you were bashing a dealer of your products event ? I def. don't appreciate it, I think if someone signed 104 new accounts for your company, you'd have the respect to just let something slide, we are the ones putting this event on. So help I do appreciate, I want it to be a great show, so if anyone has anymore negative comments please hold off, this is our first year dealing in diesel Motorsports events, and so far looks like more bickering than is worth investing in. Sorry If this offended anyone, but we at Tailgate Entertainment, LLC want a professional ever and have tried to look for ways to bring diesel Motorsports to a whole new level, but kind of hard to do when you have to babysit guys before the event even happens.

Seth Cripe
Tailgate Ent.
O'Reilly Auto Parts
I was referring to their response on getting more trucks. They weren't what I considered welcome comments to someone attempting to get trucks to the event or to those that were considering coming.. I've been "recruiting" trucks to attend the event in hopes it would be a success for a new event. I've stated over and over I was trying to support the event with nothing but negative response because of it. In an attempt to support you as dealers the organization made it clear they do not want help getting vehicles to the event. I will just act like I know nothing about the event if that is what is wanted? My apologies for attempting to help.
Uhhhhhhh yea so open bar at the Holiday Inn? I think we all need a stiff one. No pun intended. HAHA
Tailgate. I assure you the event will be a huge sucess. What you are witnessing is the end of a VERY cold and long winter. Its cabin fever in its climax. We are ready for a phenominal season and the event so much of your time money and effort have allowed this to happen. Personally, I welcome the usual hater (s). As with ANY competition… there are those that root you on and those that hate you. Either way...its great publicity. Cheers
Its the NADM section.
You should pay us to keep your count up!!!!LOL
If everyone would take into account that Gene comes off as an arrogant a$$hole, and we've all been hibernating for the long winter, I think this would go alot smoother. Lol
Uhhhhhhh yea so open bar at the Holiday Inn? I think we all need a stiff one. No pun intended. HAHA

back to normal posting, yea I know someone that could use a stiff oneLOLLOLLOL I'll meet you there with a lot of other good guys!
Is there a less expensive gate pass available for those that don't care to attend the concert?
In response to post 81-85....
It seemed like a simple enough question, not sure why the badgering and I don't understand why the stupid tags are on the thread (both sides).

Anthony asked for us (three or more trucks) what payout is. Simple enough question. I understand why you want to wait to tell payouts so you give the total if there is added money later. Fair enough. Say So! In those 5 posts, it went from a simple question to personal attacks with nothing answered.

For me it does not matter, but the other trucks payout DOES matter. I will probably come anyway if I can get away from the shop for the weekend. HOWEVER, if there is a local pull with similar pay, I will most likely stay local. Fuel is over $3.50 per gallon at less than 10MPG. So in a sense, payout does matter.

Payouts are normal guarantee for point pulls, total purse will be $7-9000 for our normal classes. If you have ever come to NADM pulls you would know they are the same for point pulls along with checks after the event. Drag racing the same at every event.

Exact payout will be posted before the event. Check back and watch.
NADM does not do contingency payouts. Just cash/check after the events.

I agree, Gilmore, why it escalated after this post, I have an idea, but it doesn't matter now.

The answer above is more than enough. Details will be up in a couple weeks. Weather will be a deciding factor the day before an event, anyway, for travelers, no matter what the purse is.