
wow.. that's the nicest intro i have seen!

It's the least I could do. I was tired of seeing the "We see that you haven't made a post, introduce yourself :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: . " crap at the top of the screen.

So, howdy.
If smart ass was a commodity, this place would be the richest website this side of the Atlantic!

Ya know.. I take it back.

While I try to keep my pimp hand strong... David has been nothing but a good friend. He is the reason I'm here, and I'll try to behave.
So.. only 10 people post on this forum or is everyone all stuck up and too good to post in this section? :rolleyes:

Try to stir the pot and get hardly anything... wtf.
So.. only 10 people post on this forum or is everyone all stuck up and too good to post in this section? :rolleyes:

Try to stir the pot and get hardly anything... wtf.

It is probably because of the abundance of "stirring" lately. Everyone is exhausted from reading 15 pages of bull crap and cryin' about who attached who and I believe this and you don't do that comp d mods are nazis and this website has gone to hell and blah blah blah. I wish folks would click the "X" box and quisherbishin'. Now stiring the pot for fun, that's a different story, being an ass is another ball game.

Stir away, I'm listenin'. :D

And where did you find the Marolyn Manson avatar? (or how ever you spell is freaky ass' name)