
It is probably because of the abundance of "stirring" lately. Everyone is exhausted from reading 15 pages of bull crap and cryin' about who attached who and I believe this and you don't do that comp d mods are nazis and this website has gone to hell and blah blah blah. I wish folks would click the "X" box and quisherbishin'. Now stiring the pot for fun, that's a different story, being an ass is another ball game.

Stir away, I'm listenin'. :D

And where did you find the Marolyn Manson avatar? (or how ever you spell is freaky ass' name)

It's Obama, jackass. And I say jackass only because of your avatar. :)

Now, I'm all about starting chit and being playful.. but I agree, being an ass is a different ballgame. There have only been a few times I've really gone after someone. Otherwise, this is the internet. Why the hell would you take it seriously???
Yes, ins't he? Last time I looked he was...a really "happy" one probably.
Well, I've heard the music, seen the videos, but I never inspected for dickage.

Welcome by the way.
Thanks. I saw the avatar online somewhere and once I read the story behind it.. I was hooked.

Obama as the joker. That's just funny **** right there.
Oh God. I just noticed the Oboma in the avatar. I'm slow. :hehe:

Dickage? Holy mother... :hehe:

The beautiful people...the beautiful people...oooooOOOOOOOOOO

You'll have to excuse Jory, he's an OSU engineer asshat... It's all going against him, plus he has some huge catapiller eating his upper lip, and a pink harness for his horse...

And welcome to Comp. It sucks here according to some, and if they would shut up or leave we'd all be happierLOL
I've lurked for awhile. There are a few around here who know me and can tell you what I bring to the table. Normally, I just like to hang out and BS usually, but I chime in as I can to help out.

And don't pick on oklahoma guys. If they didn't suck so much, my house would be in the gulf...
I'm mostly here to hang and BS, and make fun of peopleLOL

And I grew up in Liberty, nice thing about living in OK now is if they ever stop sucking I'm still safe LOL
While I have yet to find proof, I'm pretty sure Katrina was the result of a state wide collective suck from oklahoma.

Still researching.
watch it displacedtexmexneckican... :hehe: Gonna be in Tulsa on the 19th for Diesel Drags?
I'll be there, doubt I'll be racing, but I'll be there for sure. You coming?

And I don't know what's up with my earlier post, someone must have hacked my account. I'd never say such things:hehe:
Just came down the stairs huh? Must been up there to see a full view of them OK women I guess.