membership fee!


Sweet Home
Apr 24, 2007
since this is the elite diesel forum........ why not setup a membership fee to able to post in all sections, otherwise just a registered user can only post in a couple fo forums like:

Introduction and maybe a couple others, but they can only view: for sale and competition and whanot.........

seems like a way to cut all the new BS...........:badidea:
I'm more in favor of a test.

Paying will kill the membership and like it or not, some of these idiots are our future.
since this is the elite diesel forum........ why not setup a membership fee to able to post in all sections, otherwise just a registered user can only post in a couple fo forums like:

Introduction and maybe a couple others, but they can only view: for sale and competition and whanot.........

seems like a way to cut all the new BS...........:badidea:

You can't really be that stupid can you?
this isnt the big CF

I don't mean like CF, I mean like all the forums but a couple you have to a member, not just a registered user...... they will only be able to browse and post in a couple of forums
I don't see how that makes me stupid???? I mean...hell, it will give some mula to CompD and weed out some of the crap........

what's your problem?

No it won't. It will be the same thing just with less people. There will be just as many n00bs and bad posters willing to pay as there will be good posters willing to pay. All making people pay does is weed out the ones who don't want to, or can't pay weather they be a good poster or a bad poster doesn't matter.
Obama will just make it manditory for us to subsidise (sp?) the illegals membership fees!! lol

Enough of my $ goes to those bastards!!
I agree with have a test. Ask how many spark plugs a 6 cylinder cummings has. That should weed out alot of them.
I agree with have a test. Ask how many spark plugs a 6 cylinder cummings has. That should weed out alot of them.

Glow plugs make the question better...then block the IP address after the first attempt, that way they can't keep trying under different user names.
Mudn, we know what you were trying to do, and its a good idea, but we became the best site for a reason, and that reason is its members. This site has never been about $$$, its a place for all the wetoddit diesel racers/pullers/geeks come to hang out. Its been free for years, its been moderated by the same ass holes for years, and I would like to think its a rather unique site. We all do this because we love it. Were gonna get retards no matter, but this site seems to weed them out pretty quick. Also there is the report button. If you see something you don't like hit it, and one of the grossly overpaid moderators, (LOL) will jump into action.

We are thinking about opening up the "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section. It will be an invitation only and the fee will be rather steep to get in. We will have a secret lottery every two weeks and invite one lucky member into the "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section free of charge. We will put your name in the lottery twice for suggesting to help us out. Timbeaux, Phil, Richard, Billy, Amish and myself are "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section member #'s 1-6. The Green mods will take the next 10, then we will raffle off "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section member #17. Best of luck.