membership fee!

Rule 1: Don't talk about super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating!
I thought that was rule 2 Phil?

Rule 1 is: What happens in "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section stays in "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section.
LOL, Ok Tim!

I actually just saw another forum setup this way, and i like it but i see what you mean...... mostly the tards will be the ones that wan't to buy a membership, because I still haven't on that other forum......
I thought that was rule 2 Phil?

Rule 1 is: What happens in "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section stays in "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section.

Crap I left my Handbook at home......whats rule 3?
Lemme look........

Rule 3 says: No member will be admitted to the "super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating" members section, if said member has started more than 3 threads concerning past accomplishments.
I'll start practicing floating so I can join the cool kids.

Its not as easy as it looks. Richard and I forced ourselves this past weekend here on lake Travis on my boat. It helped considerably though.




So I can use a boat to float? What about the arm floaties? I'm gonna guess if I use arm floaties that voids out the super bad assness?
Yes, boats are suggested. Floating noodles are ok, and you can even wear a ski vest upside down like a diaper as it makes it easier to float and hold your beer. Water wings, or those styrofoam filled body suits like infants wear void your Super bad assness. I think those are rules 6 or 7.
Its not as easy as it looks. Richard and I forced ourselves this past weekend here on lake Travis on my boat. It helped considerably though.





You guys are such givers! You gave up what could have been a productive weekend working, to increase your standing as a super bad ass, most awesomest, secret, taco lovin, TS boat floating Member.
Were just trying to be leaders in the sport and help out where we can Phil. Its all still experimental. We are working the bugs out, and have vowed to continue the study for several more months.
Yes, boats are suggested. Floating noodles are ok, and you can even wear a ski vest upside down like a diaper as it makes it easier to float and hold your beer. Water wings, or those styrofoam filled body suits like infants wear void your Super bad assness. I think those are rules 6 or 7.

:woohoo: Ok I just practiced in the bath tub with the floating diaper thing and I can float so I think I meet all the requirements. I'm gonna go ahead and throw my name in for the drawing.
Do you have a time slip for said float or a hydrofloaticity sheet to back it up?
Yes, boats are suggested. Floating noodles are ok, and you can even wear a ski vest upside down like a diaper as it makes it easier to float and hold your beer. Water wings, or those styrofoam filled body suits like infants wear void your Super bad assness. I think those are rules 6 or 7.

Holy Crap, I think you are reading from the 2009 Rule book. Water Wings are discussed in Section 9.22 in the 2010 Rule book.

Get the 2010 and for a rule Misquote you must follow Rule 38.934 and spend one extra day at the lake.
What if I have a septic tank made out of floatie concrete with a trawling motor?

May I join?