Merry Christmas

Thanks Chromedome1, Merry Christmas to you and your family.
merry christmas to you too. i never knew comp d had this forum. this is great. for those of you that dont know the true meaning of christmas, its the death of jesus christ not his birth.
He had to come here first.The prophecy of his comming goes back to the book of Genesis.In fact the book of Leviticus and in the old testament has over 600 commandments.Think about it ,they had to say "we cant do this" And thats the point.We need a savior.The word became flesh and dwelled among us.Everyone was looking for Isaiah 53 to happen.The teachings of Jesus form the basis of the christian faith.Then 2nd corinthians 5:21 states "He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf,so that we might become the righteousness of God in him".I here you on how important his death is for the christian.I am thankful Father God sent Jesus to pay my sin debt in full.On christmas we remember his birth.Thats God keeping his promise to send him.Easter is when we remember Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. Comp d is kind to us Christians.May you have a wonderful Christmas.To Everyone here Merry Christmas.
merry christmas to all god bless america

december 25 = the day your wife buys you all the stuff for your truck
MerryChristmas everyone, We can thank GOD for his Son Jesus that was born to forgive are Sins :cheer:
Luke 2:10-11 Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
Sorry guys, haven't been on the computer for a while. We had an amazing Christmas at our household!! Every year we all get up on Christmas morning and read the story of the real meaning of Christmas together. Then we all pray together as a family before we head down to the living room and open gifts. It really is fun and the kids look forward to it!

Hope you all had a great Christmas as well, and hope the new year finds you all in good health :)

By the Way....What's up Jeff! Good to see you posting over here brother :)
The true meaning of Christmas should be to celebrate the Winter Solstice, which is actually Dec 21st. Pagans started the tradition of burning Yule logs and giving presents 4 centuries before the Christian church decided to make Dec. 25th Jesus' birthday. For many years it was celebrated on either Jan 6th, April 21st or May 1st depending on where you were in the world during the first 4 centuries A.D.

So remember, December 25th is actually a Pagan holiday wrapped in a Christian bow ;)
So what did they call it ? Winter solsicemass? I think not.We call it CHRISTmas for a reason. Thats is a interesting fact about the winter solsice.