Metal shavings in pump!!


Dec 18, 2008
i have been having a bad problem with my truck missing. tried everything to get it away, so i decide to switch dvs around to see if their bad well wat i end up seeing when i remove them is metal shavings in the pump.... i turned the fuel lever up and the barrels began filling with fuel and it looked like pearl swirling around in there ive found slivers on the dvs. what could this be cuz im not wanting it to be the pump
What kind of lift pump do you have? It has to be coming from after the filter
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What kind of lift pump do you have? It has to be coming from after the filter

my lift pump is stock. i can pull the line off #5 and #6 injector and block the fuel with my finger for about 3 secs what would cause that also
While its running? Probably not the smartest thing to do but if it not highly pressurized after the line fills back up from you unhooking it then there maybe something wrong with the pump. Hows the filter?
While its running? Probably not the smartest thing to do but if it not highly pressurized after the line fills back up from you unhooking it then there maybe something wrong with the pump. Hows the filter?

yea i was careful when i did that cuz it pops an injector at like 3000psi right? haha but it just dribbles out the line when you crack it. i just changed the filter last week thinkin it would help the old one looked good, the lp screen was barely dirty also
You are 22 years old and can't speak/type English?
I fixed it for you.