Modifying Bosch M-pump (mercedes OM603)


New member
May 13, 2009
Is there any one here in the US modifiying M-pump's?

There is lots of talk on "Super turbo diesel" but no one has produced. I am looking for some one to add larger elements and provide similer service to what Myna does in Finland.

It's had to believe we can't do the same thing here in the states seeing how much has developed for the us diesels.

I am building a 300te with a om603 and t56 manual transmission. Needless to say i am looking for a little more power.

Any ideas would be great.
Is there any one here in the US modifiying M-pump's?
No, only Finland.
The few shops in the USA that DO modify them are just blindly hacking in larger elements. Myna specializes in it and knows exactly what they're doing.

I am looking for some one to add larger elements and provide similer service to what Myna does in Finland.
There are none, only wannabes. The $1500 for a genuine Myna pump is worth every penny. For the $500 you'd save by doing it in the USA, you'd lose far more time and hair trying to get it to work worth a crap. Myna is bolt-on and go. The only thing to adjust on their pump is the stop lever to limit maximum fuel.

It's had to believe we can't do the same thing here in the states seeing how much has developed for the us diesels.
The USA is more than a decade behind the rest of the world in Diesels.

Any ideas would be great.
Myna pump, HE341Ve turbo and a big intercooler will easily produce 300+hp with a lot of torque.
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Where can you get a myna for $1500? That number is thrown around alot but is unrealistic. I hope you prove me wrong.
Where can you get a myna for $1500? That number is thrown around alot but is unrealistic. I hope you prove me wrong.
I think it is more pricey today. I can ask them. 7 or 8mm?
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Yeah I am looking for a 7mm. From what I have found its like $2300 which is out of my price range. Alot of that is money exchange. Thus the reason i am looking for a US house to tune the pump.

Jeemu, let me know what you find. Thanks
$1500 was from as recent as 2010 when two people stateside bought some.

A pump can be rebuilt for under $500 and new elements made/bought for under $40ea. $760 for whatever custom work they do plus shipping, currency exchange and import taxes is about right even today.

$2300 is extremely expensive, even if a lot of custom work is involved.
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Please direct me to the people that bought those pumps. I would like to discuss with them. The price you quote is for work in the US which you say is not as quality as Myna. Have you ever bought a Myna pump or are you just going off of "hear say". If you have when did you get it and what was your experiance.

I am interested in getting a pump but I am looking for real experiance with buying, shipping/importing, and installing one of these pumps.
Please direct me to the people that bought those pumps.
Sorry, their forum is defunct.

I am interested in getting a pump but I am looking for real experiance with buying, shipping/importing, and installing one of these pumps.
Real "experiance" (spelled experience) is exactly what you've found. So please stop acting like a child if you want people to continue helping you.
The thing with Mynä pumps is that they have their own design 7mm elements that no one else have. They seem to work alot smoother, less noise and more power compared to the other 7mm elements that other shops use. Ofcourse there are other pump shops that make decent pumps for MB but Mynä is the best. And they have 8mm elements too if you run out of juice with the 7mm ones...
Sorry, their forum is defunct.

Real "experiance" (spelled experience) is exactly what you've found. So please stop acting like a child if you want people to continue helping you.

We can tell by your response what you experience level is . . . . at least dealing with people. We will see your experience with mercedes pumps shortly . . . .

If you have bought and installed one of these pumps please share. When did you get it? How much? How long for shipment? Did you send a core? Anything special about the install?

There are lots of forum jockeys everywhere. If you have experience please share and I applogize. If not please don't respond as you are taking up space.

I am looking for someone who has done similer projects to Jeemu, here the states. Everything is taken care of except the pump.
We can tell by your response what you experience level is
I can tell by your posts what your intelligence level is. Try acting like an adult, people might act a little more friendly and helpful towards your questions.
Wow good reply. Very creative and informative.

I've actually recieved lots of help, people offering to help with pump install and build up.

Also a few comments about your attitude and general lack of productive input on this and other threads.

We also now know you experiance with mercedes pumps. . . . . Only information you've shared is your speculation on a power combo and that I need to act like an adult, twice.

How about you act like an adult and either share or shut up!!
Farmertom- I have yet to see 300D make a productive post on this forum. Don't let his pathetic lack of mental ability keep you from your original questions.

I'm not sure why a US pump builder couldn't purchase parts from across the pond and build you the pump locally.
I will try to check into this pump and see what I can learn. Injector pumps are usually simple to modify for moderate power gains.
What is your goals??
I'm not too concerned with him . . . . it's just fun to call people out.

I would like to get 300WHP out of it which seems resonable from what I've seen. Jeemu has given me some contacts for individuals which can provide the needed parts. I just need to find a good shop to do the work. This is not high volume work so I can understand why alot of shops wouldn't what to invest the R&D. However I know it can be done. I am even OK with working with a shop to get to that level. I just need to find the right shop.

Any information you can dig up would be great. Thanks.
Also a few comments about your attitude and general lack of productive input on this and other threads.
How cute, the knowitalls have replied to you in private. Looks like they're not confident enough in themselves or their knowledge to reply in public.

How about you act like an adult and either share or shut up!
Tell that to your private conversation pals.

I have yet to see 300D make a productive post on this forum.
Learn to read beyond what you want to see.

I'm not sure why a US pump builder couldn't purchase parts from across the pond and build you the pump locally.
The thing with Mynä pumps is that they have their own design 7mm elements that no one else have.
Thats why.

Injector pumps are usually simple to modify for moderate power gains.
The stock pump on a 603 is good for a hot 190hp. Above 170hp the injection duration gets to be too long in the upper rpms and high EGTs result.

I'm not too concerned with him . . . . it's just fun to call people out.
Call people out for what? You have yet to do anything but whine and troll like a 16 year old ricer boy when daddy doesn't give you your allowance.

I would like to get 300WHP out of it which seems resonable from what I've seen
...I just need to find a good shop to do the work. This is not high volume work so I can understand why alot of shops wouldn't what to invest the R&D. However I know it can be done. I am even OK with working with a shop to get to that level. I just need to find the right shop.
If power is all you want and you're not concerned with quality, reliability or decent tuning then buy some $10/ea Chinese elements and pick any shop to do a $400 rebuild to swap them in.
All USA injection shops are equal in this regard. None of them know how to tune the pump correctly for non-stock flow rates. Myna is, thats why they are the #1 go-to people for Mercedes pump modification.

You get what you pay for.
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You are an idiot!! Please read what you just posted.

Not sure why you have a chip on your sholder but go somewhere else no one cares about your opinion.
There are pump rebuilders in the US that will do this for you if you let them know where to go for parts.
By all appearances, this pump comes with extremely small plungers. You need bigger ones.
I think there are certain 8.3 cummins that used an "M" pump. But it may not be the same design.
With 8mm plungers you get something like 1mm wall thickness in the element so that's the absolute maximum you can get in MB pump. Unless you somehow modify the whole pump body and fit other type elements in it. The stock cam in the pumps arent that hot either. Older non EGR cars have milder cam and the more current that come with EGR crap have the more agressive of them. Regular chineese 7mm elements combined with the EGR cam will result in high combustion noise. With the milder cam they work better but will not put as much fuel.
I would ignore 300D, I have a strong feeling he's the same guy on lots of different small diesel forums I've been on that just likes to start arguments and act like he knows something. I'm sure it wont take him long to get banned like he has on most forums. Again if this is the same guy I'm thinking about at one time he was even banned from a site he was a moderator on LOL.