Modifying Bosch M-pump (mercedes OM603)

With 8mm plungers you get something like 1mm wall thickness in the element so that's the absolute maximum you can get in MB pump. Unless you somehow modify the whole pump body and fit other type elements in it. The stock cam in the pumps arent that hot either. Older non EGR cars have milder cam and the more current that come with EGR crap have the more agressive of them. Regular chineese 7mm elements combined with the EGR cam will result in high combustion noise. With the milder cam they work better but will not put as much fuel.

As far as I know all of the US OM603's are EGR. Will the chinese7mm elements get me to 300hp? I know the 6mm's out of a OM606 will make close to 235hp. How much "combustion noise" are we talking about-cummins 24v, cummins 12v, tractor (bd154),etc?
That's cute. I don't think you can write a quote for someone else and it be true. But then again you struggle with what's real and what's your opinion.

Once again you prove post #17 is true and not just an opinion.
Why are you talking to yourself? :homo:

he's not, 300D's posts were removed.....amazingly first time ive seen posts removed on compd!

sorry i dont have anything to add to the original subject matter.
amazingly first time ive seen posts removed on compd!

So thats not the first time moderators have removed helpful posts. Wow. I'm out of here. This forum is an embarrassment, even /4chan is run more professionally.