more mpg...propane, acetone???


New member
Jun 19, 2007
i was wondering if any of you guys have had any luck with getting more mpg using propane or acetone. i bought a propane kit, only to use for more mpg. i've read on here that the general consenus is that propane is risky to use for just trying to make more power, but what about better mpg? same with acetone. i've read on allot of different posts and some guys swearing by it, and others saying don't waste your time. your $.02 is greatly appreciated, thanks
Acetone is a waste of time. It's won't make any difference at all.
Right, propane is just an additional fuel. Since diesels cruising only use the power they need to maintain speed, adding propane increases power so you lift off the accelerator and reduce the diesel being injected.

It only gives the illusion of increased MPG. You have to factor in the amount of propane used and the cost per mile of that propane to determine if you are actually saving anything with it.

As I said before, it's just an additional fuel being burned. It's not a catalyst, it does not enhanse combustion, it's lower in energy per gallon than diesel, and it can cause some serious detonation if you try to inject too much.
i thought propane enhanced the amount of actual diesel being burned, guess im a noob...
Something like 99.6% of the diesel injected is burned if there is enough available oxygen.
is there any guideline as far as how much is too much, or am i just playing with fire on this one?
i've got the ts 6 position, i've been reading on allot of sites that propane is a no no, so i think that i might be ditching that system. i would rather have a truck that gets bad mpg, then one that doesn't run at all
i'm on a boat, so its pretty boring. this is my second time in the sand box, first time we stayed about 5-10 miles off the coast of iraq protecting their oil terminals. that sucked, the water is about 100 degrees, and your on a floating aluminum can that sits in the sun all day. then go down into the engine rooms. 100% humidity, 130 degrees, not exactally a picnic. but the tax free and hazardous duty pay is pretty sweet. what service are you going into?
Army... 27D paralegal. If I have my way I'll be over there, but we'll see what happens. I'll probably end up with a boring desk job stateside.
best of luck to ya when you go in. hopefully they can get everything figured out over here so that everyone can come home.
One of the most effective ways to get more MPG is to switch to a single shot injector. Splits use more fuel and HPO. That with the right tuning will yeild a good increase.
mattymx said:
One of the most effective ways to get more MPG is to switch to a single shot injector. Splits use more fuel and HPO. That with the right tuning will yeild a good increase.

I got 18.5mpg with my splits. I have yet to see my singles do any better.

I think a lot of the reason OBS trucks get better mileage is higher gear ratio (3:55) and smaller 90cc injectors. They're a little lighter too.
The difference in MPG normally gets attributed to "single shots" when it is in fact a lot of things.

No doubt singles are more efficient by design though.

If you want better mileage, I say buy a 4cyl. Just make sure everything is up to par, and drive it.
Should get 13-15 in town, and 16-18 on the hwy if it's not lifted and huge tires.

Not made for MPG, made to get er dun. :Cheer:
try using 2 stroke motor oil at a 128 to one up to a 300 to one mix. it makes a differance in my dodges and the dmax.
LOL its a 8000 truck... Its not going to get good milage...
I had pro pane in my early days loved it, it was a TS kit and i got around 25mpg on the pane and 15 off it
house said:
I had pro pane in my early days loved it, it was a TS kit and i got around 25mpg on the pane and 15 off it
But how much money did you save after you factor in the cost of the consumed propane?