More pillow talk from Robinsons sleeper .

Life serves ya up some humble, ya made humble pie. To me that is one mark of a leader. Don't see it near often enough. This year alone you all have invested to much time , energy, and monies to be denied. We are behind ya man. We will all do a group drag(race) dance at Dex's dyno & drag to get things started off right for you all in '15. Props to ya John & crew!:Cheer:
Keep pushing through it John and crew! You guys are doing an awesome job. At least you're there and putting it through it's paces to be with the best of the best. You've made great head way with all the changes you've done in the last 12 months!
thank you guys for the encouragement ... it's been a long, hard year . During the scheid event 2013 is when we decided to reconstruct the team & wow what a undertaking it has been ! in that time this group of great people that we call the team has totally changed the power plant , new body, new tractor , new trailer , wrap & all that goes with it ... there was really no off season for us & we are looking foreward to a winter with nothing more to do other than hunt whitetails & jack around on the farm ...after the world finals I'm headed to the couch for a while :)
I do love it when john's pillow talks in the 3rd person. makes me randy .