Torque should be more like multiply by 2.88888888889Here is the answer to your specific question.
6.0 = 2348.38
6.4 = 2759.21
7.3 = 1435.67
6.7 = 7012.19
multiply by 1.834 for tq values
Wow! Who made 7k hp with a powerstroke?!Here is the answer to your specific question.
6.0 = 2348.38
6.4 = 2759.21
7.3 = 1435.67
6.7 = 7012.19
multiply by 1.834 for tq values
What is the most amount of hp and tq a stock 6.0 and 6.4 and 7.3 and 6.7?
Go back to PSA.