Mumau Diesel Store

I did not know this. I'm not interested in porn. I just thought you had some lively midgets doing funny junk. Never mind.

So, asking R.D. for videos is about the same as Partsguy662, Scott? :hehe:
He's the Don King of midget porn.

For what it's worth, I'm not interested. I mean, my wife and I shoot pool at the bar sometimes with a guy and his dwarf wife, and.... sure I've wondered, but...LOL

Wth, I didn't know you like to get drunk and hustle some midgets playin some snooker. That's gotta be a hoot.LOLLOL
Can you imagine us with guitars and a bottle of whiskey? Someday....someday.
More like a guitar, a banjo and some 'shine?

I dunno', the phrase "Dueling Banjos" just popped into my head on that one. :poke:

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You know dang good and well a little person can't reach a snooker table
Yes I know this but you don't see me posting that I am at a bar hustling little peeps for money. That's the thing- Snedge see's that angle of the hustle- whereas I would overlook that.:clap:

I'll have to tell you guys about the midget prostitute in Italy sometime. I didn't, but someone did. I was only the lookout. !!!
One of the damned best. R.I.P. lil buddy


[ame=""]Hank the Dwarf Rock Trivia Mark - YouTube[/ame]

see if you can hang with the trivia.
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I'll have to tell you guys about the midget prostitute in Italy sometime. I didn't, but someone did. I was only the lookout. !!!

Dammit !!! See I just knew you had a little people fetish.:clap:


If I show up and race with my truck it would be great, but if I showed up to race with an all midget pit crew that schitt will be talked about - FOREVER!!!!!LOLLOLLOL