my 09 headlights for you 06 headlights

To be honest I don't WANT 06 lights I am making an offer to anyone who has an 06 and wants the newer style lights.

If you found a found a $100 bill on the ground I'm sure you wouldn't give it away or put back. You'd sell it or get $100 out of it. Same princable here pal.
ok guys, this is compd. where are the mods and why aren't they cleaning up all this OFF TOPIC BS and keeping this a FOR SALE AD?

just a question?:doh:
well put it back on topic and quit getting pissy. I won't post any more. I'll be too busy trying to sell my 100 dollar bill I just found. ???
well put it back on topic and quit getting pissy. I won't post any more. I'll be too busy trying to sell my 100 dollar bill I just found. ???

Bus your killing me... LMFAO :hehe::hehe::hehe:

Heres a bump for ya though... Processing fee = $.02

Nothing in life is free and if they say it is you probably dont want it!