my current project

Drives like a dream for what it is really a tad smokey yes.

Atv thats awesome brother.i have always loved that truck!
And it only ran a 12.7? What was the slip breakdown?

Yes no lock up in 1st or 2nd and out of the throttle tends to kill times....hows the old holland court truck holdin up?ive got a few hours of work in the

The old holland court truck is mean as hell. Dustin's changed pretty much everything except internals and the spearco.

No lockup in 1st or second killed me too. 1.6 60 foot, 85 psi (with all 8 hp compressor bolts leaking:nail:). Mine only ran a 12.0 at 112 with a 7.7 1/8th.
What has been changed on the old holland court truck?

M.J. Tool fab trans, it's monster pumped again, after 3 different turbo setups decided on a batmo 66, a different head. I'm sure Dustin has more to add to the list but that's the big stuff.
Either way its a cool truck.if i didnt have so many projects going on i would have bought
Gonna tear her down and refresh everything. Get her ready for next year
I started polishing

Thanks homie! I cant wait to get down to denver to see your truck!
You better be bringing the race rig with you.... I've recently injured my back, being a little too crazy at the gym of course, so I won't be able to finish mine up anytime soon.
Same boat. I broke the **** out of my finger via durango door.lmao.