My son wants to get saved!

Praying for him and the people who have denied Christ, they just dont know what theyre doing, Thank you for fighting the good fight for the true faith!

We all need someone to pray for us. I've never said that I deny Christ or his power. I've only asked questions as to how an innocent child can need salvation. It is great that they want to be a christian some day but putting them trough the ritual before they truly understand their own need of Christ defeats the purpose of why Christ died on the cross. Salvation must be a personal choice.
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I've only asked questions as to how an innocent child can need salvation. It is great that they want to be a christian some day but putting them trough the ritual before they truly understand their own need of Christ defeats the purpose of why Christ died on the cross. Salvation must be a personal choice.

But what about the children?!?!?! If a child dies days after birth? Is s/he saved? How is this child to be born again if it's sole skill thus far in its short life is to eat, poop and cry?

Those children are taken care of, yes they will go to heaven. otherwise the sooner you can get a child saved the sooner you can let God work in there lives, and they will grow to serve him. i guess if you have never expirenced the change of heart Christ gives it's hard to explain. The power of Christ is real, im living proof and so are several others in this thread.

Around the age of 4 my son knew what right and wrong was. the same way i do. Now he is 5 and a ton smarter than he was at 4. He cant ride a bike yet, but he can ride the wheels off a 4-wheeler.... and his knowledge of God and Jesus christ is amazing.

Like i said before he wanted to get saved all on his own, it was me who said lets better understand exacly what you want first(form a solid foundation) then you can accept christ as your saviour, that may take a month or two years i dont know, he the fact that he has intrest as such a young age is amazing and shows the power of God in his young mind.

My youngest sister got saved when she was 6 and my other sisters were about 7-10 years old. i know of several who are in the 5-6 year range when they got saved, so it's not out of the ordinary.
"taken care of"? like taking out the garbage "taken care of"?

See this is exactly where every argument you have is null and void.

Kids are "taken care of" and get to heaven, but to get to heaven you need to be saved but kids are an exception? When am i not a kid and lose my get out of jail free card? Thought the saved rules are written in stone...

See how this saved logic fails to make any remote sense? if we follow the rules exactly, kids are dammed until the partents force them to be saved, but wait, kids don't need it, so what's the age? 5? 9?13? 21?
"taken care of"? like taking out the garbage "taken care of"?

See this is exactly where every argument you have is null and void.

Kids are "taken care of" and get to heaven, but to get to heaven you need to be saved but kids are an exception? When am i not a kid and lose my get out of jail free card? Thought the saved rules are written in stone...

See how this saved logic fails to make any remote sense? if we follow the rules exactly, kids are dammed until the partents force them to be saved, but wait, kids don't need it, so what's the age? 5? 9?13? 21?


I have never read more backwards bull**** in my life.
Well, that's the last time you'll be able to honestly say that...

because this person knows that God exists - we've known each other for a very long time (it's been quite the humbling journey!).

And someone else on here will say he doesn't exist. Crap, now it's your word against theirs? Hmmmmm who to believe.

If it wasn't for common sense, I'd have an easier time believing you guys. Ah well, one day you guys may be able to talk about this whole issue without sounding like you're brain washed. Until then, I guess I'll just continue to wait and see what happens. It's just easier for me then being someones slave.
Wade, I'm sorry to say this, but this really is the wrong place to talk about religion. Yeah, it'd be nice if you could reach one person, but I don't think I've ever seen more than 3 or 4 of us ever agree with you. Everyone is too arguementative or too proud.

Congrats on your son getting baptised though!
"taken care of"? like taking out the garbage "taken care of"?

See this is exactly where every argument you have is null and void.

Kids are "taken care of" and get to heaven, but to get to heaven you need to be saved but kids are an exception? When am i not a kid and lose my get out of jail free card? Thought the saved rules are written in stone...

See how this saved logic fails to make any remote sense? if we follow the rules exactly, kids are dammed until the partents force them to be saved, but wait, kids don't need it, so what's the age? 5? 9?13? 21?

You said a child who died after birth....i said it will be taken care of, which means in laimens terms the child did not reach a age of accountability so therefor is exempt from the penalty of sin......

Honestly you should read the word for yourslef and learn what i have, i cant explain everything to you the way you need me to over the keyboard, i can show you better than type it to you....if you know what i mean.
Those children are taken care of, yes they will go to heaven.Fair enough...they get a pass

otherwise the sooner you can get a child saved the sooner you can let God work in there lives,And we're right back to this being something YOU want done, not him.

and they will grow to serve him.Or they will rebel against being forced to do something they didn't want to and not turn into the obedient little slave kids everyone seems to want.

My thoughts in red.....
Wade, I'm sorry to say this, but this really is the wrong place to talk about religion. Yeah, it'd be nice if you could reach one person, but I don't think I've ever seen more than 3 or 4 of us ever agree with you. Everyone is too arguementative or too proud.

Congrats on your son getting baptised though!

No offence but were not talking religion here.

My son was not baptised eather.

Were talking about Salvation(Born again), totally different.

But you are correct, there are a lot of proud and argumentive folks here.
My thoughts in red.....

The difference is that this is somthing HE brought up to me, and said that HE wanted it. sure i want it for him too, but im not going to push it on him. Like i have said numerous times in this thread it's his decision.
To truly save him, teach him this......

OH, im certainly not exempt LOL i just try to turn it into disscussion rather than banter.

It may seem like I'm just trying to argue when it comes to faith/religion. But I'm certainly not. I just have a very difficult time "getting it."
It may seem like I'm just trying to argue when it comes to faith/religion. But I'm certainly not. I just have a very difficult time "getting it."

i can tell by your posts your interested in "getting it",thats fine and i hope that me or others here can help you "get it" LOL

I have a close friend who has a wife who is saved and kids that are saved, goes to church with her every sunday and tells me he still just cant believe that he just dont "get it" only advise i could give him was to pray about God revieling himself to you, somehow some way he will. The bible says "ask and ye shall recieve" i firmly believe that if truely want to know ask and he will show you. God makes no mystakes.
I think 5 is a little young to be "saved" let the kid do some crazy stupid chit and wait until he is older to be "born again" that is an easy way to say all of that stuff was o.k.
You said a child who died after birth....i said it will be taken care of, which means in laimens terms the child did not reach a age of accountability so therefor is exempt from the penalty of sin......

Honestly you should read the word for yourslef and learn what i have, i cant explain everything to you the way you need me to over the keyboard, i can show you better than type it to you....if you know what i mean.

So, what is the age of accountability? And can you show us again, in or out of context, exactly when and how that occurs? I don't think this forum has ever gotten a strait, black and white, factoid of an answer. If so, link me please.

I don't care for this saved gibberish. I prefer logic to my life. Facts. You won't convince me that a fairytale is true.

And for the love of all that is spell check... USE IT!
No offence but were not talking religion here.

well, you weren't to begin with, but thats kinda where it's headed

My son was not baptised eather.

Were talking about Salvation(Born again), totally different.

sorry, I made an assumption. I forget sometimes lol. Growing up, the baptist church I went to considered you saved when you were baptised.

But you are correct, there are a lot of proud and argumentive folks here.

mine in bold
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So, what is the age of accountability? And can you show us again, in or out of context, exactly when and how that occurs? I don't think this forum has ever gotten a strait, black and white, factoid of an answer. If so, link me please.

I don't care for this saved gibberish. I prefer logic to my life. Facts. You won't convince me that a fairytale is true.

And for the love of all that is spell check... USE IT!

I wish i had spell check at the end of each replie, right around the send button....LOL

mine in bold

No problem.