My truck got F'd up!!!!!


Apr 16, 2007
If you guys followed my paint thread "Painting my truck with pics", then you know what I went through to build this truck. Well, this morning on my way to work...MY TRUCK WENT TO $HIT! Maybe the hood wasn't completely latched? I don't know? But this sucks!!!!!:soap:






That sucks. Doesn't looks like it messed up the fender any? Should be fairly straight forward to fix the hood and get the wind shield replaced.
Son of a... that's one of the best lookin 2nd gens I've seen too. Sorry bout the luck coulda been worse I suppose. Least you didn't hit somethin hard, like a power pole, when the hood popped up. How fast were you goin?
Replace both hinges. I'm assuming you dont have the safety latch?
I was cruising about 45mph, no signs of it not being latched, just blew open. I already went to the junk yard and bought a set of hinges $10. Now I gotta get the windshield replaced tomorrow morning, then let the insurance company get me a hood. My hood is for sale, easy fix, but I'm not doing it!
That sucks. Doesn't looks like it messed up the fender any? Should be fairly straight forward to fix the hood and get the wind shield replaced.
It scratched the drivers door, but nothing serious. I don't have time to fix it, business is crazy right now. I'm gonna let the insurance company take care of it. I'd hate to be the paint shop in charge of this fix! LOL
Sucks!!! I would be deflated!

I am bud
Son of a... that's one of the best lookin 2nd gens I've seen too. Sorry bout the luck coulda been worse I suppose. Least you didn't hit somethin hard, like a power pole, when the hood popped up. How fast were you goin?

Thanks man
that sucks man but I feel your pain.

I had one of those days recently

the getting it fixed part is getting was the neighbors tree!
I test drove a 97 Dodge a few months ago, I popped the hood to look around. I swear to God I shut the hood all the way, I checked it out of habit just because I always do. On the test drive the hood flew open!! Went straight up!! I was only going around 25 so it didn't hurt anything. I just shut it again and drove very slowly back to the dealership.

I think these hoods can open even if they are latched all the way. Sorry to see this Jamie, but I doubt that its your fault if that means anything.
Sucks that happened to you hopefully it will get fixed with the quickness!Man that truck is awsome looks really good! Where did you get the hood I have been looking for one like that?
you didnt put oil in it this morning did you???


sorry about your luck man! that ****'ll buff out.
Well, you can look at the upside. Last person I know that did that (Les Schwab didn't latch it completely) had the hood swing up, take out the hood, windshield and the roof of the cab.. :bang