My truck on the SPEED CHANNEL 9/7

That truck is beautiful... I wanted to find an 05 HD but ended up getting a deal on my current truck.
Thanks redfishman!

And I'll be down in Ft Meyers Monday for a little veggie oil scouting. lol

Dang I missed it. Is it going to be re-aired or on demand?
hey snake I am in apollo beach. I have the white excursion that was at the island bar and grill parked next to ya a while ago. I'm lookin at one of these set ups but I'm not sure where to get any wvo around. everybody I talk to already is saving it for there buddy or doesn't seem interested.
any chance you know where I can at least purchase enough to offset the lack of oil for a while? until I can get some good sources?
any chance you know where I can at least purchase enough to offset the lack of oil for a while? until I can get some good sources?

I LOVE that Ex! Maybe I'm a little biased because of your wheels. LOL

Its very obvious you didn't cut any corners when you built that! Simply amazing.

I'm REAL close to ending up with more oil than I can use (I hope it works out). If that's the case, I'd be more than happy to hook you up. I'm still scraping by, and when I don't have any I've been buying from Lokey's 4x4 in Tampa. Talk to Harry, he's the manager. Not sure about the prices though. Its been all over the chart lately.

Riggz -- I think the show airs again today at 3:30.

they actually had the show w/o the commercials on the website
are you filtering and dewatering yourself? what set up are you using? I'd like to check it out before I spend $ on filtering equipment. everybody does it a lil different and just want a easy compact setup
I watched it last night. Not sure if I would want this kit on my truck. It looks like a nice kit but will it pay for itself? What about injector issues?
I really wish they would have showed the complete setup when done like where the fuel lines are ran. Do you think it would be possible to get pics of how the lines are ran on yours in the engine bay? I'm really starting to want to do this more and more and am gonna start woring some local restaurants for this stuff. So is it the same with bio where you only want certain kinds of oil or will it burn all the different kinds restaurants use?

And mooring products if you check out the vegistroke site so far so good on 6l injectors only one failure in a truck running it and they found the cause not to be related to the oil or the system and the tests were not done by vegistroke but by a 3rd party.
Im going to get the veggie kit now. how much has it made of improvement for you?
My biggest issue is would it pay for itself. I'm sure it would but how many years and by that time what would it do to these motors?
with my first grade math skills if you went with the cheapo tank and a kit, basing this off a 30gal tank at 4.00gal diesel it would take somewhere around 28 tanks of fuel to pay off the system after that it's all profit. Not sure about you but for me that would take somewhere around 28 weeks to be paid off and making money providing I could get enough oil lined up to keep me going.
As far as longevity not sure but the 7.3s have been running it for a while and a couple 6.0s for some time also with no ill affects, but I guess like anything is there ever any gauruntees.
are you filtering and dewatering yourself? what set up are you using? I'd like to check it out before I spend $ on filtering equipment. everybody does it a lil different and just want a easy compact setup

I am, and mine setup is based off of the design on the frybrid site. An open invitation if you'd like to come by and check it out. There are lots of options out there (centrifuges, cold upfilter, gravity fed, etc) and I chose this one because another guy with a 6.0 and the Vegistroke has had a lot of luck with it. Overall, the platform is 2'x6', but you could make it a little smaller if desired.

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My biggest issue is would it pay for itself. I'm sure it would but how many years and by that time what would it do to these motors?

My math isn't so great, but I figured it like this:

I go through an average of 6 tanks of diesel per month at 30 gallons each.

At $4/gallon, that's $720/month in fuel.

The system is $3,500 and if I'm getting my oil for free, it'll take just under 5 months for the system to pay for itself. If I'm paying $1/gallon for used oil (which is crap, but it seems to be the going rate in the Tampa area), that means I'm spending $180/month for oil. Based on that, the system will pay for itself in under 7 months.

I've talked to a couple of guys running WVO on this system for over 55k miles and the only problems they've had have been if they got contaminated oil. And James, one of the owners of DFA, pulled his motor and had it spec'd after running something like 100k miles on WVO. Everything came back within tolerances.

And believe it or not, veggie oil is actually better for your injectors than ULSD.

Im going to get the veggie kit now. how much has it made of improvement for you?

If you wait a little bit, DFA is testing a system for the Cummins. I'm sure they're going to maintain their high standards for this system and it'll end up being the best one on the market.

My system has made a huge improvement for me. I've hardly spent any money on diesel since I had the system installed and have 60 gallons of fuel on board makes for much longer times inbetween refueling. I'm 100% satisfied with my investment.
