My twins

LOL I love this website.

Two guys, separated only by the Gulf of Finland (100kM give or take) talking in English on a website hosted thousands of miles across the Atlantic about twin turbos on their imported Dodge trucks that were originally used in applications most here have never even SEEN. LOL

You guys rock. I guarantee your English is far better than any of our Finish or Estonian. Carry on, fellas. Carry on...

Great looking twins, Sisu.
LOL I love this website.

Two guys, separated only by the Gulf of Finland (100kM give or take) talking in English on a website hosted thousands of miles across the Atlantic about twin turbos on their imported Dodge trucks that were originally used in applications most here have never even SEEN. LOL

You guys rock. I guarantee your English is far better than any of our Finish or Estonian. Carry on, fellas. Carry on...

Great looking twins, Sisu.
I second that^. You guys from across the pond are damn cool:rockwoot:.

They speak English better than most Americans these days.

I've been to several European countries and I am always amazed how readily the people there speak English. I mean I can get by pretty good in Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, and German, but not like the some of the European people I've met that are absolutely fluent in 5-10 languages.

I want to be fluent in Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Danish. Those languages just sound really cool to me when I hear them spoken.
LOL I love this website.

Two guys, separated only by the Gulf of Finland (100kM give or take) talking in English on a website hosted thousands of miles across the Atlantic about twin turbos on their imported Dodge trucks that were originally used in applications most here have never even SEEN. LOL

You guys rock. I guarantee your English is far better than any of our Finish or Estonian. Carry on, fellas. Carry on...

Great looking twins, Sisu.
Well said!