Mysterious metal in oil pan

They are turbo thrust bearings unless your cummins has a cam that is less than .5" in diameter, and they come down the turbo oil drain, not past the pistons and rings.
BenM said:
well, hate to be the bearer of bad news but the pieces on the bottom is the cam retainer plate!!! and the rest has me buttfuzzled! i keep staring at the picture and if it commes to me i'll let you know!

You are an idiot.
BenM said:
and to think about it how is that large of pieces going to get past the pistons/rings and slid down the cyl. walls into the pan. alot easier to bust in the front cover and then into the pan! i'm not at my home comp. or i would post a pic of the oem plate and the billet plate. anyone have a pic they can post?

no way they would go through the rings.Things would have to either go through the turbo drain or through a pushrod hole to get into the pan.I suppose there are other ways to get into the pan,but if they went into the piston area we would see alot more metal in the pan I bet$.02
Found the culprit!! Either one of these.

Thanks for the info.


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It's not the cam retainer?!?!?!?! lol I can't believe that silly Don didn't know that. lol Seriously, like Don, Smokem, I and plenty others said, it is parts of the turbo. Those parts being in the lower left hand portion of the picture
QUOTE= Originally Posted by BenM:

well, hate to be the bearer of bad news but the pieces on the bottom is the cam retainer plate!!! and the rest has me buttfuzzled! i keep staring at the picture and if it commes to me i'll let you know!
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