NADM Announces Advisory Boards to discuss 2010

Things need to beyond my brand versus your brand, it should be all inclusive so it isn’t my club versus your club. I which you the best of luck! It is tough to get a happy majority in any group let alone a group competing against each other. :thankyou2:
Things need to beyond my brand versus your brand, it should be all inclusive so it isn’t my club versus your club. I which you the best of luck! It is tough to get a happy majority in any group let alone a group competing against each other. :thankyou2:

I didn't know our group was competing against each other? So far at the meetings NADM has held everyone does have different opinions and that is what we welcome, we are looking for new ideas and methods for the sport.

Do we tend to favor the sponsors and competitors who support NADM and our efforts, naturally of course, they have put their time and money into the organization to further the sport.

Looking forward to a great season next year!
I think you guys are on the right track, I'd like to see the two organizations both NADM and NHRDA come up with similiar rules. One of the big things we all have to tackle is how to get more people coming out and getting trucks that do attend to compete. I know sleddy is going to say that the pulling meets are already highly attended, and thats great, would like to figure out how to get drag racing on similiar ground. Good luck Ken
Racing rules

I would like to see everything held in check. I have done the heads-up street cat stuff and I pray the diesel racing doesn't go the same way. I had fun at the NADM races this year and can't wait until next year. Thanks Jeff
Things need to beyond my brand versus your brand, it should be all inclusive so it isn’t my club versus your club. I which you the best of luck! It is tough to get a happy majority in any group let alone a group competing against each other. :thankyou2:

I didn't know our group was competing against each other? So far at the meetings NADM has held everyone does have different opinions and that is what we welcome, we are looking for new ideas and methods for the sport.

Do we tend to favor the sponsors and competitors who support NADM and our efforts, naturally of course, they have put their time and money into the organization to further the sport.

Looking forward to a great season next year!

The competitors are the drivers / participants. Getting a group of them to agree on a set of rules has always been tough. Organizations should do their best to work together to get a standardized set of rules for the betterment of all. Looking at a big picture would make things better for everyone and hopefully reduce the number of overlapping events which would create better shows overall.
The competitors are the drivers / participants. Getting a group of them to agree on a set of rules has always been tough. Organizations should do their best to work together to get a standardized set of rules for the betterment of all. Looking at a big picture would make things better for everyone and hopefully reduce the number of overlapping events which would create better shows overall.

Totally agree! Getting them to agree is difficult but most are understanding when it comes to a finalized ruling for a class. NADM will be making changes to the classes next year for a more user-friendly class structure with safety still in place.

Looking at the big picture is the top priority for NADM, we have a 5 yr plan and a 10 yr plan in place for diesel motorsports. We just want to make sure everyone has input in the sport.
Building local level interest in diesel drag racing is what me and Brian B are running with right now. Ron and NADM jumped at the chance to help us bring diesel drag racing to our local area, which will hopefully translate to our local racers going to NADM events in the future. In a small way that was demonstrated at Rockingham this past year with local area guys going down to compete.

Oct 10th we'll be at it again. This year with the support from the GA boys and some of the faster NC boys, the local crowd will really get to see some fast trucks. We're also going try and offer new faces drag racing 101 and encourage everyone with a diesel truck to get out there and run. We're also hoping to offer people rides down the track in a prostreet or quick diesel truck so people will get a taste of what it's all about.
Building local level interest in diesel drag racing is what me and Brian B are running with right now. Ron and NADM jumped at the chance to help us bring diesel drag racing to our local area, which will hopefully translate to our local racers going to NADM events in the future. In a small way that was demonstrated at Rockingham this past year with local area guys going down to compete.

Oct 10th we'll be at it again. This year with the support from the GA boys and some of the faster NC boys, the local crowd will really get to see some fast trucks. We're also going try and offer new faces drag racing 101 and encourage everyone with a diesel truck to get out there and run. We're also hoping to offer people rides down the track in a prostreet or quick diesel truck so people will get a taste of what it's all about.

You bet Mike, getting more exporsure is what the sport is about, NADM held over 35 affiliate events in 2009 along with 12 of it's own - that's 47 events Nationwide!

The first Sponsor's Advisory Board will be held Nov. 2 in Las Vegas at the Mariott Suites right across from the SEMA Show - invitations will go out this week!

Looking forward to the round-table discussion!
Good luck to NADM and hope the meetings go well. Still would like to see a joint meeting between the leadership of NHRDA and NADM maybe after the advisory meetiing at SEMA to iron out common ground and hopefully drag racing classes.

Except for getting rained out in the final hour, the Western Regionals of NHRDA went very well. There were many local trucks that participated in the open et class that were not NHRDA members or who were qualified for the Regional event. I like the idea of getting new folks some a ride in some fast trucks to see what it's like, but how would you ever get the tracks to sign off on the idea? The old ownership at Spokane didn't mind, you could have a passanger in a 10 sec truck if you wanted. Not that way anymore.
Good luck to NADM and hope the meetings go well. Still would like to see a joint meeting between the leadership of NHRDA and NADM maybe after the advisory meetiing at SEMA to iron out common ground and hopefully drag racing classes.

Except for getting rained out in the final hour, the Western Regionals of NHRDA went very well. There were many local trucks that participated in the open et class that were not NHRDA members or who were qualified for the Regional event. I like the idea of getting new folks some a ride in some fast trucks to see what it's like, but how would you ever get the tracks to sign off on the idea? The old ownership at Spokane didn't mind, you could have a passanger in a 10 sec truck if you wanted. Not that way anymore.

I understand what you're saying here but, you're talking about to completely different entities.... kinda like Wal-Mart and Target. They both run their organizations completely different and I don't think NADM will take on anything NHRDA does and possibly vise versa.

The ET class doesn't mind having passengers so, the 101 idea could work with folks taking rides with some of those guys. Even the faster trucks could make some passes in that class.
NADM Sponsor's Advisory Board Meeting

NADM is planning it's first Sponsor's Advisory Board meeting before SEMA starts this year in Las Vegas.

Round table discussion surrounding diesel motorsports, what NADM plans to do (short version), what would you as a manufacturer and sponsor want for the sport, and what will the future bring?

This will be a marketing meeting surrounding the sport and all suggestions and discussions are welcome! NADM's 2009 year-end report will be passed out at meeting.

Monday November 2, 2009 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Las Vegas Marriott Suites 17th Floor Meeting Room 325 Convention Center Drive, Las Vegas

(Same Place as last year, right across from SEMA Convention Center) Only admittance by invitation so please RSVP when the invitation comes to you!

NADM is planning a very productive 2010! Existing sponsors and future sponsors are welcome to participate by emailing or PM me in advance.