NADM Pull Expectations


New member
Sep 30, 2008

La Porte is fast approaching in less than a week, and I felt it was time to express a few of the dynamics that will be expected at our upcoming events.

After all of the recent comments regarding the events in KY, I took some time to review various areas of the stated issues, and we, the crew from the NADM, will do all in our abilities to ensure a smooth flowing, fast paced event that will be enjoyed by not only the attendees and fans, but the competitors, and the staff as well.

That being said, the rapid flow of inspecting trucks and getting through the classes smoothly and seamlessly depends a large part on YOU, the competitors. Before you all roll the trucks out of the shop, or ease them on to the trailer, do yourself a favor and take YOUR SECTION OF OUR RULES and give your rig a look over with the rules in hand.

SAFETY IS MY TOPMOST PRIORITY!!!! READ: IF YOUR RIG, WHETHER IT IS WORKSTOCK OR MODIFIED OR ANY CLASS IN BETWEEN, IS NOT UP TO THE SAFETY GUIDELINES AND SFI SPECS, YOU ARE NOT GOING ON MY TRACK!!!!! If you have SFI certified parts such as a flexplate, etc have the documentation with you so we do not have to pull covers etc. This stands especially for Jackets, Helmets, Suits, Flexplates and clutches.

We desire to keep everything flowing smoothly and how the truck is presented goes a long way to making a great event. If there is an issue and I am sure there will be, approach me in a professional manner, and I will do all in my abilities to clarify or rectify the situation, but be forewarned, I will not tolerate any form of beligerance or disrespect to myself or our crew, do so and I will personally escort you to the gate.

Remember it is your responsibility to follow the rules and and operate within their guidelines and it is our position to uphold and ensure they are followed.

In closing I look forward to meeting you at our events and wisheveryone the best of luck in the upcoming pulling season.

Best Regards

Have you ever been to a truck pull with Sleddy? You're going to have to make him exempt from this rule. :bang*bdh*

Yeah I have, and we are just going to keep him on the leash or until things may get to a point of a little weirdLOL
Thanks for the info. I am looking forward to going to the pulls and it is glad to see you guys are doing all that you can to make it an enjoyable event for everyone.
also another thing i see that holds things is up, is lots of people dont have the intake tube pulled so turbos can be plugged in tech line
Good poimt there house that is at least 5mmin savedper truck.
