Need Build Advice: EFI Live/Last of Minimaxx's, Trans tunes, etc


Giggity Giggity
Apr 24, 2006
I picked up my 6.7 earlier this month and I am planning to start building it for a simple mild street truck/tow pig that is more reliable than anything else. I was ready to the pull the trigger on H&S stuff the day they got shut down so I am in between a rock and a hard place. My initial build sheet was MM, 425s, OD tune, intake horn, exhaust.

So, am I stupid for still buying an H&S MM now that they are being discontinued? My biggest worry is what about warranty issues down the road if I have a 'brick' on my hands in 6-12-18 months? Am I smarter to go with EFI Live for now? I will definitely need OD tuning, so if I forego the MM, do I go TCM tune? If so, from who? Or spend the $ and get a Co-pilot?

Thanks guys.

PS, I should note I am planning on doing a 3rd gen box stock swap as well.
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they will do like they did in the past with the original XRT's and give you credit towards the new model.

so you'll have credit towards a black maxx when they come out. But there are tons of Mini Maxxes still out there. I wouldn't hesitate to buy one
they will do like they did in the past with the original XRT's and give you credit towards the new model.

so you'll have credit towards a black maxx when they come out. But there are tons of Mini Maxxes still out there. I wouldn't hesitate to buy one

I saw a while back that the black maxes were discontinued, are they bringing them back out?
they have been working on a new black maxx since the old one was discontinued... my guess is it'll be released right around the time the current mini maxxes on the shelves dry up (distributor shelves, not H&S, obv)
they have been working on a new black maxx since the old one was discontinued... my guess is it'll be released right around the time the current mini maxxes on the shelves dry up (distributor shelves, not H&S, obv)

OK, thanks for the info.