need help!!


New member
Nov 26, 2006
does anyone know how to get the oil line on the top of the turbo off? where it mounts to the turbo is 2 10 mm bolts(got that). at the other mounting point by the oil filter it looks kindof like a fuel or ac fitting. i was told it just "pulls of with some wiggle" but this thing just wont come off!

any help is apreciated!
its a quick release fitting on the early build motors. rotunda tool #303-755 is the proper way to get them apart but i've heard a couple of thin screwdrivers or picks can get them apart. i have one you can use if you need it pm me
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Blk350on20s said:
You can use a fuel release fitting correct?
no the tool is a flat bar with a slot in it, kinda like a small slim jim.