need help!


Cummins Cadillac
Nov 2, 2008
ok i installed my edge comp and i didnt run my truck before i installed it so i installed it and when i went to start it the battery meter read that they were low so i jump started it and then i tried it out and turned my truck of and tried to see if it would start agian and the battery meter read way down low agian so i dont know if the wiring of the edge did somethin to it or my batteries are shot. i checked all the connection from the edge and stuff and it seemed all good, if the connection on the pump wire is a little bad will this effect it or not. any advise is better than no advise id really appreciate it if i can get this solved.
anyway you can take your batteries to advanced auto and get them checked. could just luck of the draw that your batteries are dead right after you put your comp on, but may not be related. i would start with triple checking all the comp connections, then gettin a ride to advanced to check the batteries
Well i got it started on its own after we put new positive terminals on it and hopefully the low voltage attemps didnt mess anything up cause i plugged my superchip in and was reading a few low voltage DTC's. Is there any thing i need to look out for that could of been effected from this.