need prayers please


Arklahoma Bombers
Mar 12, 2008
i would like all of yall to pray for my church. over the past two years we have had a big split in our church. it started over a difference in beliefs. we plit right down the middle, and half of our church quit. about 3/4 of the ones who left the church have quit going all together. we started getting more for awhile. here in about the past 4-5 months our numbers have been dropping. i think part of it is because we have quit haveing a mens meeting. i believe its being put on me to get it going again. its hard for me to talk in front of people, especialy older men. im not as knowledgeable as i should be. so it will probably be a few weeks before i bring it up to the pastor that i want to get it started again. so if i could get yall to pray that GOD will work through me, to try getting the church back on track for GOD. thanks
Texting God
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READ: Colossians 1:3-12
[We] do not cease to pray for you. —Colossians 1:9An article in The Washington Post told about a 15-year-old girl who sent and received 6,473 cell phone text messages in a single month. She says about her constant communication with friends, “I would die without it.” And she is not alone. Researchers say that US teens with cell phones average more than 2,200 text messages a month.

To me, this ongoing digital conversation offers a remarkable illustration of what prayer could and should be like for every follower of Christ. Paul seemed to be constantly in an attitude of prayer for others: “[We] do not cease to pray for you” (Col. 1:9). “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” (Eph. 6:18). “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). But how can we possibly do that?

Missionary Frank Laubach described his habit of “shooting” prayers at people as he encountered them during the course of each day. In a sense, he was “texting” God on their behalf, staying in constant communication with the Father. Laubach believed that prayer is the mightiest force in the world, and said: “My part is to live in this hour in continuous inner conversation with God and in perfect responsiveness to His will.”

Pray without ceasing. Perhaps what Paul urged us to do can be done. — David C. McCasland

Give me a spirit of prayer, dear Lord,
That I may commune with Thee
As I travel along life’s rugged road,
In Thy company always to be. —Dawe

Prayer should become as natural as breathing.
I maybe a little late but I can sure pray for your church. We had a neighbor church split a few years ago and it was a bad deal.
Straight Diesels sending out prayers

I will be praying for the church... I can't imagine going through a church splitting up...I just wish everyone could just agree to love Jesus and to love others the way that Jesus does... A church down the road from me split because some people thought women could be deacons and some thought that they couldn't!? Having the title of deacon doesn't make you closer to God! I don't care what you call me deacon, reverand, or trailer trash... I just want to know the Lord better so that I can be more like him so that people can see the difference in having a relationship with Jesus and not having one
I will be praying for the church... I can't imagine going through a church splitting up...I just wish everyone could just agree to love Jesus and to love others the way that Jesus does... A church down the road from me split because some people thought women could be deacons and some thought that they couldn't!? Having the title of deacon doesn't make you closer to God! I don't care what you call me deacon, reverand, or trailer trash... I just want to know the Lord better so that I can be more like him so that people can see the difference in having a relationship with Jesus and not having one

Well said.