Need some DFC volunteers.


Administrator and Head Thread Derailer
Apr 3, 2006
I would like to see the DFC handle the invocations at a few events that I will be announcing this year. Not only can we have the events blessed by our own instead of a local, but it will give the DFC more exposure as well. You guys think we can put something together?
I think that is a great idea. Can it be any layspeaker, or do you need to be ordained or something to do an invocation?
Where are the events your doing?
If there anyway I could help out at an event in VA please let me know. I am not the greatest public speaker/prayer leader on the spot, but knowing I was going to do it ahead of time....I'd be willing :) At the very least, I would like to be there to show support for a brother DfC member who was doing the invocation.
I think this is great. Will help as much as I can. Let us know what you a looking. Thanks
I can speak/pray on the spot.However a brief outline of the intended message would be nice.If i can help out i will.Let me know.Thanks August.
We wont need anybody ordained or anything like that. Just somebody who can put a diesel spin on the prayer. I know right now I need one at TS for both the Race and Pull Friday and Saturday. I don't care if one person wants to take all 4 or if 4 people wanna split it up.
You still looking for someone to do this? If so let me know, I'll see what I can do.
I am not ordained. I dont plan on doing it.It wouldnt be hard to pray like that.God cares about us whatever we do.And He wants us safe and to have a good time.
I'd be more than happy to have someone from DFC at my Bash this year
I have some DfC decals, and Bibles I would love to send someone to pass out at TS event. Also have a banner if someone could find a place to hang. Hopefully t-shirts will be done in time to send a few for sale aswell. Anyone interested please pm! Thanks
I have some DfC decals, and Bibles I would love to send someone to pass out at TS event. Also have a banner if someone could find a place to hang. Hopefully t-shirts will be done in time to send a few for sale aswell. Anyone interested please pm! Thanks

I'll make you a deal. You get me some folks to do invocations, and I'll get that banner up for you. Deal?
I still need some folks.... PM me if you are interested.
So there's 4 invocations - 2 places both days?

Over the PA system in conjunction with our Pledge of Allegiance? What times?

BTW - great idea, Tim... including God is always a good idea (He's so much better at doing things!:bow:)
So there's 4 invocations - 2 places both days?

Over the PA system in conjunction with our Pledge of Allegiance? What times?

BTW - great idea, Tim... including God is always a good idea (He's so much better at doing things!:bow:)

That is the Plan... Friday, we will do it before we start qualifying at the dragstrip (around 11ish) and prior to the pulls (6pm)

Pretty much the same for Saturday too.