Need Some Help


New member
Dec 9, 2007
I know that a lot of you guys have had problems with the dashes cracking. Well the trouble has hit me as well. Instead of calling the 800# and having to wait and possibly pay 250 for the install and everything from the dealer, i'd really just like to buy the upper part of the dash assembly myself and be done with it. I've got some questions about the top though. How hard would it be to take off? It doesn't seem like it'd be to terribly hard. Any Step by Step instructions that you guys would have? I found the piece for 149$ online and am going to paint it with uv reflectant black paint and put a customized dash mat on top of it.
As far as I know you must remove the entire dash assembly to get just the top of. Last time I had pulled a dash it took me about 2-3 hours just to get it out enough to fix a heater door motor...

But I'm pretty sure the entire dash unit must be pulled to get that part changed...
The entire dash has to come out to replace the top. I'm going to order a dash mat and be done with mine. Dodges seem to have enouhg electrical problems so I don't wan to risk any added ones.
I just put a dash cover over mine. I did not see the need to replace it with a new dash that would just crack again.
Good point bcs. Im not sure what im gonna do. I'm headed out towards your way today for austin.
Guys i think i found out an idea. Its a little messy, but i think it should work great! While i was prepping the dash today, i was listening to the radio. I've got a custom fiberglass sub box, and pretty much said eurieka! (sp?) So after the dash had cured with the silicone sealant, i bought some fiberglass resin, 2 paint brushes, gorilla glue, simple green, fiberglass mat and cloth, and of course some rubber gloves. What i plan on doing is taping off the windshield and everything else, and basically fiberglassing the entire top of the dash since thats the only problem area. Tomorrow or Monday i'm going to sand it down, blow the dust out, and paint the entire dash a flat black, then put a mild clear coat on the dash too. I think it will work pretty damn well, and will be better than the overlay, and putting the same crappy dash back in there. I'll do pictures, and do a write up over it, and let everyone know how it goes.