Never give a diesel space.....

i blew away a mustang this past friday it was fun toying with him.
Looked like a cobra with that rear bumper and the round foglights. No sound on my computer = not sure though.
I don't know which vehicle was making all the racket but that sounded bad ass. NICE RUN DIESEL!!! :D
it was a 03-04 cobra. sounded like it had a ported stock blower. they can still put down about 550 with the stock supercharger and pulley swaps. He probably said he spun real bad like they all say when a heavy diesel truck spanks em. He still got his a$$ kicked.:kick:
man they give that guy no rsecpect with the d-max. look at the other post on youtube with him racing the white fox body mustang. they threaten to bring a trailered nitrous full slick drag car to beat his ass if he thinks he is cool. he replied thats cool I drive mine everyday for my work
Come on guys, we all know gassers are sore loosers to anything that sounds like it should have a harrow hooked behind it !!
I'm a HUGE fan of the 03-04 cobras, but that was still an awesome video. Still makes me laugh when I hit the track and smoke junk rice and dudes who think they got something fast. diesels are taking over, slowly but surely!
that's classic. i've always hated the way those eaten screw blowers sound, yuck
Nice vid. That reminds me of what happened at Grudge Fest at Sacramento Raceway a couple weeks back. There was a Mustang Cobra car club having a GTG there and making runs down the track and one of the club members was running his mouth about the diesels that were there. He finally got to race a built '02 Cummins and the truck handed him his arse royally. I talked to the Mustang guy in the pits after the race and told him, "Let that be a lesson to you. Don't run your mouth like you did earlier."
