New 3rd Gen Smoke Switch Instructions!

Wow... just what I always wanted. :blahblah1:

Seriously, :wrong: dude.

That may be well received by the folks who are new to diesel and don't know better.

Understand something: Smoke on the street has already negatively affected some manufacturers who frequent this board. With EPA scrutiny increasing daily on emissions effects with diesel performance modifications, something like this is just another reason for increased regulations on our sport.

What may have been cool 3 years ago, isn't now.
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i dont think bashing the guy is the answer guys. who doesn't like smoke? ridiculouse fellas just ridiculouse. lets see some pics of that smoke switch. and the smoke of ocurse. so the guys will tighten that knot in their panties!
Or....let's NOT encourage the death of our sport. How bout that ?
Smoke on the track...I'm all for it.
Smoke on the streets has gotta go....
Or....let's NOT encourage the death of our sport. How bout that ?
Smoke on the track...I'm all for it.
Smoke on the streets has gotta go....

x2 i mean come on maybe you think its cool to blow a little on another diesel owner or playin around with your buddies on the highway but think about how many people that will see that get mad about the thick cloud of smoke they have to drive through then they try to get our sport shut down. So lets keep the smoke on the pulling track and the 'strip
Props for putting some thought into it and going into it for the track or smokin your buddies though, I love leavin a cloud as much as anyone but only in moderatio :Cheer:
i dont think bashing the guy is the answer guys. who doesn't like smoke? ridiculouse fellas just ridiculouse. lets see some pics of that smoke switch. and the smoke of ocurse. so the guys will tighten that knot in their panties!

another reason our sport is dying and next time lets check spell check on RIDICULOUS, maybe we can get more pics of Alex laughlin and his beautiful signature. :poke:
why r yall bashin this guy we all went through this stage of doin nothing but blowing smoke but there is no reason to just hate on him!!!:badidea:
I can't see where anyone was 'bashin' or 'hatin on' him.

While some did go through this stage of 'doin nothing but blowing smoke,' understand that doing so on the streets with our ever growing diesel community is what has earned us this scrutiny many manufacturers are seeing today. If you like the ability to drive a modified diesel on the street or freely purchase products that enable you to do so, I would encourage you to educate your peers about excessive smoke on our roads.

If we do not regulate ourselves, others will do it for us and at a much greater cost.

As many have stated, the track is fine. Back road test'n tune, great. But the jackasses at large diesel events who parade around town with the goal of blacking out as many intersections as they can should really smarten up. Its not the impression we want to have when people think of diesel trucks.

Case in Point.
Is that the impression we want of our hobby? I think not.

I can applaud the ingenuity that went into this product. I would encourage that great electrical mind to continue pursuing home-brew, low buck, solutions with this new enlightenment and embrace this concern.

Perhaps that appears a little less 'hatin.'
my grandparents have great stories about their era of people running moonshine...

my parents generation have great stories about drunk driving

I have great stories about street racing

the diesel world used to enjoy the novelty of "rolling coal"

just because someone or some group of people has been there/done that doesn't mean it's a good idea for new guys to go back... the penalties are much harsher, and it's no longer innocent fun

My '06 is at HotRodDiesels getting the tranny done, so I've been forced to drive the 98 the past couple days, and I HATE the fact that it smokes. It just seems so trashy to me now. And yes, way back when, I used to think the smoke novelty was fun, but I grew out of it when I finally realized that it actually slows the truck down.

I look at trucks pouring black clouds of smoke the same way I look at ricers with huge wings and big ol' fart cans... they figure that since a lot of race cars have spoilers and larger diameter pipe, it's cool to have them.

yes, a lot of powerful competition diesels smoke, but it's a byproduct of the power... smoking just for the sake of smoke is queer IMO :eek:
Wow... just what I always wanted. :blahblah1:

Seriously, :wrong: dude.

That may be well received by the folks who are new to diesel and don't know better.

Understand something: Smoke on the street has already negatively affected some manufacturers who frequent this board. With EPA scrutiny increasing daily on emissions effects with diesel performance modifications, something like this is just another reason for increased regulations on our sport.

What may have been cool 3 years ago, isn't now.

maybe not hating or bashing but even your message was kinda rude. He has great ideas just a lil out dated. not good to kick people while their down!

Next time I'll post this with it so it doesn't seem so bad.


Bad news is always easier to take with rainbows and puppies.
I had my time of smoking people out. 1989-1991 in the 1984 Ford 6.9. So smoking people out for fun, isn't good. My tow truck puts out smoke, but just puffs and a haze if your trying to accelerate some. Doesn't put out the plume like the puller does.
one of the biggest things I love about my 3rd gens is the smoke-free power!

I'm assuming that this "mod" is only for wanna-be hot rods with stock turbos w/ the electronic wastegate? :p
Too bad it wasnt the "Smarty Smoke Switch", woulda been 8 pages of how cool it is and how its an engineering marvel.:doh: