New additions to the sled puller!

Im pulling Mod class some of the trucks are still street legal but a lot of them are not streetable. I can understand in the stock or smaller classes having brakes but this is a dedicated seld puller in an almost open class. I guess my point is from a safety standpoint i dont see having much more stopping power with rear brakes and that is the only reason we are required to have them. I may be totally in the wrong here its just my opinion. Im going to buck up and put them on its either that or dont pull. Its just frustrating three days before an event.
Jeez Nick, that is complete BS! Do all the other Mod trucks have rear brakes? Is there a junk yard you can just grab some drums from to make it look like you have the rear brakes?
Sounds like you need to give a copy of the NADM pulling rules to this sled owner. Hope it all works out, that is BS and I agree 110% with you.

Well good news i got a set of new drums for 100 bucks and im going to steal the guts out of another dana 80 i have. Also got all the lines off a wrecked truck that a friend of mine has so looks like the pull is back on! I have a few more pictures of everything finished with the box on ill post up this afternoon i gotta get a little sleep just got off night shift.
Here is a couple pictures with it all painted up. Forgot to take them before i put the box back on.



No we got rained out the infield at the BMP Raceway was under six inches of water. We have been having some crazy weather up here. Had a tornado tare up part of billings today ripped the hole roof off of the Metra Park. That is where all of the big events go on here in Billings. Our next pull is the 10th kinda sucks this one didnt happen but at least i have a little more time to get reay for the next one and didnt miss a pull. We are doing a points race this year so they will average all the pulls of the summer and in the event i woudlnt have made tech that would have hurt me quite a bit. I will make sure and post video of my first pulls!
Damn. Nice fab skills.

You should look into making it down to Ogden, Utah for the NADM pulls on the 4th of September.
A few friends of mine and i were actully talking about trying to get down there. As of right now our last pull is Aug. 28th so that could possibly work. It looks like its only about 350 from Billings to Ogden so that wouldnt be bad at all. As it gets closer ill see if we can make it i would sure like to! We were going to try to make Idaho Falls this last Sat. but just couldnt get everything together in time with work and such short notice.
Sorry to hear about mother nature screwing the weekend up for ya, don't get much of that down here in Sunny So Cal.:hehe:

Looking forward to seeing your first pull, good to see the truck is enjoying its new home. :) :pop:

Hows this setup working out for you? I can't get the first pics to load for some reason but these last ones look nice.