new canadian, rare truck ...

Forgiving may not be the best way to describe this place...

Welcome to the shark tank!
thanks for the warm welcome

this site should be a little bit more forgiving then manufacturer specific sites i am on.
lol nah i'll play with this till i'm broke or it is ....

i'm not looking to make a 8 second truck just a fast-ish daily driver something to toy with other diesels, ricers and the odd rustang
lol nah i'll play with this till i'm broke or it is ....

i'm not looking to make a 8 second truck just a fast-ish daily driver something to toy with other diesels, ricers and the odd rustang
Definitely cool, and will prob freak out a lot of people...
yeah wideopen its the ford dash and wheel, 96 ram seats.

the firewall and floor pan are from the ford

the engine sits farther forward in the Fodge then in a ford so no cab off for studs etc.made it a pain in the arse finding spots for the electrical but the builder did a good job all in all. most of my gremlins can be traced out. its too damned cold here though for that nonsense right now

displacedtexan : yeah its started a few convo's usually ending up with a cummins fan slacked jawed and in a stupor :hehe:
thats pretty sweet but thats not a 85 dodge front clip thats like a 92 or 93 right?
I saw this truck for sale on Kijiji up here in Ontario. But it said it had a CR Cummins in it??????