New class thoughts??

Does anyone know if competitors numbers are going up at events?

I can only speak for the three events i have worked this year, but if i remember correctly phoenix was at around 90 trucks, Texas was close to 110, and redding was around 55 or so. Redding is always about the same size every year it seems but both texas and phoenix were real decent turnouts.
HMMMMMMMMM fun topic. I have been to the three big events, (Phoenix, Texas and Indy) this year along with Mission and Redding. The truck count seems up to me at all those races. The Diesel TV and national points system have really helped. There are some great trucks in the fast classes, Super street and Pro street. There was a full field of pro street truck at Indy, and great racing. You also take trucks like Max'd Out, Brian Sooner, Micah Sullivan, Shawn and a few more and SuperStreet is a really fun class to watch at well. For the most part all the trucks drive to the line and are capable of hot lapping.

I agree there is a bit of a void for the trucks that can run mid 10's but really not capable of competing in SS if the really quick ones show up and not break. BUT......we don't need more classes. Boys and girls if you haven't raced in the 11.90 class you should try it. Heads up, .4 pro tree no waiting on a truck or car that is 5-6 seconds slower than you. Very close and exciting racing. You are still hauling ass and the really hot stock trucks along with the milder built trucks can compete.

If I had my way I'd love to see the index lower but I can live with 11.90. You have to drive and not just let the truck so all the work. .4 protree will separate the sleepers from the ones on their game.

I hate the index racing that NHRA does with the damn throttle stops and all the electronic crap. Heads up, foot brake, and don't break out. Good class and thanks to Randy and NHRDA for implementing this the last two years.

PS a little tip from an old man who has put a **** of a lot of money into this sport.....Turn it down....quit breaking **** and have a hell of a lot more fun. :D
11.90 was way fun even though i wasn't competitive with my 12.7 truck. 11.90 trucks are probably the most streetable in my opinion, i towed my dads broken CR most of the way to Phoenix, unhooked, drove striaght to the staging lanes and ran a 12.8. Granted thats not 11.90, what im trying to get across is the 11.90 class is fun with little breakage, and good street ability.
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I think there are plenty of classes to fit anyone who wants to race. There is a bit of a void from super diesel to super street, but until we have 32 trucks in each class consistently, another class doesn't really help. If another class is added, I would like to see a 10.9 index. Most trucks built for the class should be able to do it all day long without breaking all the time.

The biggest problem I see is everyone wants to change things to fit themselves instead of working with what Randy has worked so hard to build. I've been to five races this year and will compete in four more NHRDA races. I will also be hitting several other races. Let's get people out and racing at more than the one event a year that is close to where you live. If you want more classes, Support the NHRDA by going to 4 or 5 races a year. I will have traveled over 20000 miles by the end of the season and I generally do all of the driving myself. Yes it is expensive, but I believe in what Randy is trying to do.

Get out there and race and earn the right to ask for more.
Good points by Verlon and Ken (vsouth & Subman631). I feel guilty for racing much less this year than in prior years, as I am still trying to finish my race truck. I looked over the classes and am building a specific truck for a specific class, but could conceivably run my truck in Top Diesel, Pro Stock, and even Super-Diesel and ET if I wanted to be silly and put a really low HP tune in it! Build a truck for the existing classes and get out there and race!
My OP wasnt to start a debate on changing current classes. I understand the turnout may not be super. Just IMO, and my thought was something to bridge the gap from 11.90 to the sub-10's of super street.

I know some people suggest rule changes to fit "their" project will likely end up in Pro Street if I can make it weigh enough to fit without a ton of ballast, and then running times fast enough to win may be an issue, but if Im at least in the pack I will be happy!
11.89 to 9.? is a big gap but i see it as slow down and save parts or put your big girl panties on and have fun....just hope its your lucky day, you have the 2nd best seat available to watch a fast run
11.89 to 9.? is a big gap but i see it as slow down and save parts or put your big girl panties on and have fun....just hope its your lucky day, you have the 2nd best seat available to watch a fast run

True on the best seat in the house! If we was talking about a gap between super street and pro street (which theres not much of one) Id say go for it all day long, since alot of times a clean run from a pro street truck is hard to get!
I like the idea of the index classes . That way you don't have a bunch of rules to worry about like weight or exhaust or fuel cells just your safety equipment to run the speed you chose. But if it were to change to index racing there shouldn't be any kind of electronics allowed to help launch the truck or dial in the number just foot break like the 11.90 index is now. And it wouldn't be creating any more classes just replacing the ones they have already. I think the 10.00 index would draw a lot of trucks that people have probably been setting out of because of the current rules and speeds of SS.
I like the idea of the index classes . That way you don't have a bunch of rules to worry about like weight or exhaust or fuel cells just your safety equipment to run the speed you chose. But if it were to change to index racing there shouldn't be any kind of electronics allowed to help launch the truck or dial in the number just foot break like the 11.90 index is now. And it wouldn't be creating any more classes just replacing the ones they have already. I think the 10.00 index would draw a lot of trucks that people have probably been setting out of because of the current rules and speeds of SS.
That's what I'm talking about. Build whatever you want, and run it at that time. No electronics....I don't see why it's such a hard idea to grasp.