New engine won't rev past 2k

x3 on timming. i had the same problem once. idled fine but when i would give it throttle it would pop and studder blow white smoke and make it unbearble inhale, rechecked timming was very off..

if you already rechecked timming, then im stumped.
I'm guessing they are new injectors if its a fresh build, but get your hands on a set you know run well. A friend had the same thing with his truck. Checked and rechecked timing, even replaced injection pump. Fuel pressure was bang on the money. Did a compression test that checked out, about 380-400psi in each hole. It would start ok, but anything above 1500-1700 rpm, it would start to break up, wouldn't go past around 2k, and was heavy white smoke that burned the eyes like no other. Swapped out the injectors, and it cleared it up. Something to look into.
Here's the plan.I'm going to do these in this order and check to see if it helps after each.
1. I'm going to take the overflow valve off and stretch the spring...
2. Then i'm going to double check the gov. spring nuts to see if they need another click
3. Then i'll check the timing if neither of the above help, and adjust accordingly.
4. Lastly.. i'll throw the stock injectors back in.
I'm guessing they are new injectors if its a fresh build, but get your hands on a set you know run well. A friend had the same thing with his truck. Checked and rechecked timing, even replaced injection pump. Fuel pressure was bang on the money. Did a compression test that checked out, about 380-400psi in each hole. It would start ok, but anything above 1500-1700 rpm, it would start to break up, wouldn't go past around 2k, and was heavy white smoke that burned the eyes like no other. Swapped out the injectors, and it cleared it up. Something to look into.

Agreed very much same exact symptoms. Had a truck could not get it to come up above 4k or so with out puking white smoke and fuel out the tailpipe. Pulled and popped the brand new injectors and the were all below pop off pressure and scaled over 600 psi on six injectors. So dont rule your brand new injectors out def swap them out. Takes maybe an hour and it could eliminate that problem as well.
Just checked timing. It's right on at 20*. I'm going to try turning the gov springs and if that doesn't work it's on to the injectors.
If fuel pressure and timing is not an issue, the governor should be set to initial plus 3 clicks, if the problem still persists, remove the Marine injectors.
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If fuel pressure and timing is not an issue, the governor should be set to initial plus 3 clicks, if the problem still persists, remove the Marine injectors.

I'm about to waive the white surrender flag!!:bang:bang

-Removed overflow valve and stretched spring (now at idle i'm showig 50psi and it drops with more throttle)
-I double and triple checked timing... 20*
-Re-installed stock injectors...
-Checked gov springs and the measurement from the end of the stud to the retaining nut was at .110. I looked up the specs and they said it should be between .040 and .050. I backed them off to about .051.

None of the above have resolved the issue. I guess i'll try to give the gov spring retainers the additional 3 clicks as mentioned but I think that would put them about back to where they were.

When i put the stock injectors back in it did help a little by giving more RPM's but the smoke is still almost unbearable.

Thanks you guys for the help you've given me so far!! :Cheer:
Are you using the correct timing chart for your pump ? Timing could be less of what you think.

Did you set the opening pressure of injectors over the OEM spec ? Greater opening pressure give you more retard on injection, so you need to bump the timing more.

Fuel quality ? Gaz in fuel could do that too.

Start with that.
When your engine is at tdc at plunger lift at 20* have you made sure that the #1 int. and ex. valves are both closed?

To eliminate timing being the cause, set it back to stock. You should be able to get in the ballpark of stock timing by using the injection pump lock pin and the engine tdc pin.
Are you using the correct timing chart for your pump ? Timing could be less of what you think.

Did you set the opening pressure of injectors over the OEM spec ? Greater opening pressure give you more retard on injection, so you need to bump the timing more.

Fuel quality ? Gaz in fuel could do that too.

Start with that.

Correct me if i'm wrong but i am using a 215 pump chart. The reading i'm getting is 6.2992mm of plunger lift which is close to 20*. I would be lying if i said i new how to set the opening pressure of the injectors. I will have to do more research on this. I am sure there is no gas in the fuel. I filled it with a fresh tank before I removed the motor.

When your engine is at tdc at plunger lift at 20* have you made sure that the #1 int. and ex. valves are both closed?

To eliminate timing being the cause, set it back to stock. You should be able to get in the ballpark of stock timing by using the injection pump lock pin and the engine tdc pin.

Yes i checked the #1 valves and they seem to be in good shape. I will try returning the pump to stock timing and going from there.
When your engine is at tdc at plunger lift at 20* have you made sure that the #1 int. and ex. valves are both closed?

To eliminate timing being the cause, set it back to stock. You should be able to get in the ballpark of stock timing by using the injection pump lock pin and the engine tdc pin.

Well i took your advise and set it back to stock (or so i thought!) Something slipped in the process and I set it set to about 9.5* instead of the stock 13.5*. I fired it up and there was a DRASTIC improvement! It still smoked a bit but gradually got better as it warmed up. It no longer flutters and will turn all of the RPM's a guy could ask for without any hiccups!!! I am going to bump it back up to stock and see what happens there. I must have been running WAY too much timing (i noticed there was fuel coming out the exhaust! NOT GOOD!) I'm not sure but my old dial indicator may not be reading 100% accurate. Either way things are looking up for a change!! I f-ed up and you guys were able to help me out!! Thank you all!:clap::clap::Cheer: