New from NM

What in the world is a triangle and duck face
Duck face:

It's a thing...unfortunately... Google image it if you dare.

Triangle face is a movie reference: [ame=""][/ame]
Knew duck face....... was uneducated of the triangle face.

Learn something new everyday on Compd !!!!

Now....... back to that pic subject.........
LOL don't be sorry it's ok with me. I'm just a messin. Age is just a number guys. Then again a lot of ya are older so maybe ya do need to know.

My guess is 18-21 ;)
BAM who called it :D

Im 19, there are guys a young as 15 though.

I did, I was just holding out, hoping she was >25, and really hot and old fashioned, and looking for a CompD relationship. I'm unsub'd now, no point in sticking around LOL