new from Texas (5+ years ago)





and there ya go. no more complaining :doh:

they are def worth bumping
Ya'lls needs ta quit monkey'in 'round.

Screw you guys!!! I never read the intro threads, I am too busy trying to regain my composure from getting raped by displacedtexan!
Screw you guys!!! I never read the intro threads, I am too busy trying to regain my composure from getting raped by displacedtexan!

boo boo I don't think that statement is helping your case ;)

however I LOVE your avatar... one of my fave movies fo' sho'
OMG!! your new name!!

Mumau diesel service, Jeff speaking.....

(caller) Hi Boo! Got those pushrods yet? ;)

that just made me laugh so hard I snorted :doh:

Surprised that Ford didn't break an axle or something. LOL J/K.

I was just enjoying a Craftsman catalog and saw some things you need.

pink box from

nah we've done it several times with no issues... 8 people max I think is what we had... and then Ace stuck his nose in lol

OMG... I NEED THAT!!! all of that... right meow.
Well I figured I would throw in my welcome even though it seems all the boys have got it covered! Always great to see another girl around here!!!! Welcome to CompD!!!