new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I think Boo needs a pink Strat. LOL


SRV would roll over in his grave if you played his music on it.
LOL idk chit about guitars, all I saw was hot pink and that's all that mattered bif

but its pink. thats all that matters :shake:

^^ Matt knows what's up! :lolly:

Nope it matters. Jory referenced a guitar linked to one of the greatest blues players of all time.
Hell, if that's the case, why are you driving a Ford Pink? Same as a Dodge or Chevy Right? Just paint it Pink. All good.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪"Better Leave My Little Girl Alone"‬‏[/ame]
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Nope it matters. Jory referenced a guitar linked to one of the greatest blues players of all time.
Hell, if that's the case, why are you driving a Ford Pink? Same as a Dodge or Chevy Right? Just paint it Pink. All good.

Boo, do you need a hug? or do I need to bake and send some of my epic awesome double chocolate chip cookies? someone is drinkin the haterade ;)
Nope it matters. Jory referenced a guitar linked to one of the greatest blues players of all time.
Hell, if that's the case, why are you driving a Ford Pink? Same as a Dodge or Chevy Right? Just paint it Pink. All good.
Exactly. SRV is linked to the Strat like I am linked to awesome.