new from Texas (5+ years ago)

not acceptable



Next time you look like this it will not be from 3 beers, but from me punching your lights out! bif

JUST the shirt???

NO. I thought about editing my post because I had a feeling someone would think this; however I was too late. NOT happening! lol

Next time you look like this it will not be from 3 beers, but from me punching your lights out! bif

NO. I thought about editing my post because I had a feeling someone would think this; however I was too late. NOT happening! lol

I had way more than 3 beers lol

Tapatalk...cause I'm cool like that
Poor little guy didn't even see it coming....just like that horse. :lolly:


Hey that horse had it coming!
One of these days you'll learn that I always win.

Or you won't and I will keep being entertained. Either way works! :lolly:
I don't think it's gonna change anytime soon .

And I'll win one of these days

Tapatalk...cause I'm cool like that
Poor little guy didn't even see it coming....just like that horse. :lolly:


I was SO waiting for this to pop up!!! LOL

Hey that horse had it coming!

I don't think it's gonna change anytime soon .

And I'll win one of these days

Tapatalk...cause I'm cool like that

I still don't know who was more of an idiot; that mini horse or the owners of the mini horse! :doh:

It's unlikely you will win. In the unlikely event that you do, you probably won't even realize it and I will turn it around so that it looks like you still lost... :lolly:
That's what she said!!!!!!!

I'm not sure if the image was blurred to protect the identity of the participants or the photographer was laughing too much.


I am going to go with a little of both; but I think it leans more towards the latter of this statement! Especially considering the events leading up to this final resting place for him... LOL

[ame=""]03302012 Ben ring dunk :: IMG_5833.mp4 video by cmruggles - Photobucket[/ame]

Crap. I didn't know I was on vid........

Since im at northgate, might just go ahead and start early......not

Tapatalk...cause I'm cool like that