new from Texas (5+ years ago)


LOL bahahahahahaha

24 pages of this intro thread.

Has it reached EPIC status yet?

^^ y'all made it what it is! and I am sure there are more epic girl intro threads, that wasn't my point however...
besides making myself laugh harder and having to hang up the phone... I'm good to go

although I do question my sanity...:lolly:

If the definition of insanity is doing things repeatedly and expecting different results, I could call myself insane for continuing to post :lolly:

Sh1t does make me laugh though!
If the definition of insanity is doing things repeatedly and expecting different results, I could call myself insane for continuing to post :lolly:

Sh1t does make me laugh though!

LOL at least you're finally learning... maybe... ;)

this whole thing is hysterical!