new from Texas (5+ years ago)

holy crap..creeping up on 150000 views..150 ...and we aint seen her boobs yet
Shes on vacation this weekend boyz. Let the bad grammar and poor spelling flow.
Y'all are a bunch of brats. I don't feel like correcting your grammar right now... I will later when I get back to work! bif
Did I say, meow? Do I look like a cat to ya boy? Do see me jumping around all, nimbly bimbly from tree limb to tree limb!? Am I drinking milk from a saucer!? Do you see me eatin mice!!?

Sent from phone
Did she happen to be going on a boat for vacation?


Hope tacos are for lunch... Some nice brazed pork ones sound decent.
" Hope tacos are for lunch... Some nice brazed pork ones sound decent."
Braised. Hell I'd try em.