new from Texas (5+ years ago)

i generally just blow thier f'n heads fear of a repeat offender*bdh*

This. My new little Festus has taken to very aggressive play. He yaps and growls and bites. Nothing serious, and I'm sure he's only playing. In short, he best watch his falcon ass or I'll bite him.
This. My new little Festus has taken to very aggressive play. He yaps and growls and bites. Nothing serious, and I'm sure he's only playing. In short, he best watch his falcon ass or I'll bite him.

Nip that in the bud, for sure. Mine learned early that I could take anything away from them, at no consequence. Even a lip twitch at me (or later, their sisters) got them jail time and a smack. Same with aggressive play, or being needy of my personal space lol. We have no more issues. :)
He is spending a decent amount of time in jail. He doesn't mess with me so much as my wife. She doesn't want to smack him. I'm telling her that as long as she lets him be boss he'll be boss. I use myself as an example. If she would have slapped me back in high school, I may have stopped biting. Too late now. I'm too old and can't be trained.
He is spending a decent amount of time in jail. He doesn't mess with me so much as my wife. She doesn't want to smack him. I'm telling her that as long as she lets him be boss he'll be boss. I use myself as an example. If she would have slapped me back in high school, I may have stopped biting. Too late now. I'm too old and can't be trained.

You're a smart man, Boo. Reinforce this idea with her; use treats if necessary!
MINE! :)

Sent from my nerd lab


2 weeks ago


Today. 2 days of "training". I'm not supporting his leg or hoof in the top pic.

Shaking after a good lunging session.

Sent from my nerd lab
I'm not sure what you're doing with the horse, but Festus is crapping outside now and he isn't biting. He's a licker now.
I'm not sure what you're doing with the horse, but Festus is crapping outside now and he isn't biting. He's a licker now.

I was teaching Ace to shake, this weekend. He learned to bow awhile back. It's all stretching, and bonding exercises. He likes it, and it makes him better to ride when he is happier lol.

YAY Festus!