new girl from ct

I was up in hartford a few years ago, swapped my stock tires and rims with a guy that had H2 takeoffs on his truck. Should have seen the look on the mall cops face, two trucks up in the air, two guys wrenchin and tires going back and forth. Looks like you fully enjoy your truck, good deal. I think we should start a warning list of leg humpers for her. hmmmm who would top the list?

Sweet Jesus...a Ppump with pink nipples? I may have to re-marry. :hehe:

Rebel flag in CT. Hmmmm. That is interesting. :pop:

O...and :welcome: to the biggest sack of nuts this side of the loney bin.
You said you want to make it a full time puller I see. Is there a lot of pulls up there in CT?
theres quite a few pulls but there not very organized and based off of weight classes not turbo size. I wana set up my truck for NADM 2.6 rules
I come from nagatuk and I have family in bristol ct, welcome to the site!
Don't let em give you crap for the pink truck parts. I've been doing it for years and still catch hell for it. I'm in the middle of p-pumping my 24v....... the pump MUST have pink parts now that I've seen yours LOL
Don't let em give you crap for the pink truck parts. I've been doing it for years and still catch hell for it. I'm in the middle of p-pumping my 24v....... the pump MUST have pink parts now that I've seen yours LOL

pink makes it go faster :lolly: