New Guy here


New member
Apr 1, 2010
hey everyone. My name is Scott and i currently dont have a diesel, but looking to buy one soon and want to get as much info on the trucks i am looking at so i can make the best decision. I do currently own a 02 F-150, 89 Mustang coupe, 08 Yamaha YZ250f, 07 Buell xb9sx. I use my buddies dad's diesel(was a 08 6.4 ford/now 09 Duramax) anytime i need to haul my car somewhere and i feel that its time to get my own diesel so my buddy mike(hidaglogt) told me about this site so thats why im here.
welcome, if your like the rest of us your diesel tow truck will sooner or later be your new toy
there any newbie stickies or threads to give me the basic run down of everything diesel? I know alil bit but looking to learn more
what brand you looking sound like a ford guy .....thats a long hard road to go down